Aplikasi Pencatat Data Makan Karyawan di Kantin Menggunakan or Code Berbasis Android
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Nasution, Pratama Aditiya
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
PT. Scheneider Electric Manufacturing Batam has implemented several programs
that digitized applications to reduce paper and environmental use are most
effective for the use of natural and waste related to company activities, as for the
applications of the program include: 1. line Audit Aplication, 2. Smart Visit
Aplication, 3. Replenishment Packing Box Aplication. From the above
information mention that the required applications related to the programs in
PT.Scheneider Batam Electricity Manufacturing, especially in the canteen where
the entertained employees write their data on paper, the data that must be written
in the name, badge number, department, shift and signature as a reinforcement of
data authenticity, this data recording to know total data of employees eat in the
canteen everyday, therefore needed android application based on QR Code for
employees concumtion data record at canteen. With this application the
employees want to eat in the canteen only need to show QR Code on their badge
to canteen officer to be scanned without need write their data on paper anymore.
To reduce paper used also an important environment from the use of natural
resources, waste and emissions, related activities on PT.Scheneider Electric
Manufacturing Batam.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Application, Android, QR Code, Employee