Aplikasi Pemetaan Halte Kota Batam Berbasis Android

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Merditha Sebayang, Jessica
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
There are 48 bus stops passed the Government in Batam. Finding the location of halte which are scaterred in Batam are still less accurate information, which helps the mobility of local and foreign tourists and especially for the people of Batam city in their daily activities. This problem often makes the mass transit passengers having trouble to go to a place or a late arrival to their destination. Though there are so many haltes in Batam, but the information was hard to be found. In scientific writing, the author makes an Android-based application to facilitate the search for Halte in Batam city using the Location Based Service ( LBS ). This application is expected and hopefully be able to provide information that is accurate, clear and precise to determine the location of halte, and can facilitate the mobility of local and foreign tourists and also for all the people of Batam city.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Perdagangan, Komunikasi, Transportasi, Application, Android