Desain Buck-Boost Converter untuk Pengisian Baterai Telepon Seluler dengan Memanfaatkan Putaran Roda Sepeda
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Lumbantobing, Nengsi Kasmani
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
To reduce the risk of battery power quickly decreases when listening to music while
biking , then a means of charging cell phone batteries can be used for charging the mobile
phone battery when away from power source . This study aims to design a buck-boost
converter for mobile phone battery charging by utilizing wheel rotation , so it can be useful
for bike users to perform mobile phone battery charging while away from sources of
electrical energy and reduce costs and time to generate generator used at the time mobile
phone battery charging . For cell phone charging on the bike requires dynamo as a
generator . The voltage output of the bicycle dynamo is AC then the bridge rectifier to
function is converting the AC voltage to DC output of the bridge rectifier and an input for
a buck-boost converter circuit . From the results of the testing of the tool can be made on
the attached load values prior to voltage is 5 volts and the voltage value after the load
attached is 4.25 volts with a current that varies according to the wheel rotation . To ensure
that the incoming voltage to a cell phone battery Arduino awake then used as sensors in
order to monitor voltage and current voltage and current to the cell phone battery with a
graphic display using Labview software.
Teknik Elektro, Elekronika, Manufacturing, Engineering and Allied Operations