Pemotongan dan Timbangan Singkong Otomatis
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Ramadhan, Faiqal Aditya
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
In general, cassava cutting machines are made by manual tools
such as knive or scraper that need long time to do. Thin cassava cutting
machine made to produce the same thickness of cassava chips and
practice. The pressure motor which writer use is DC Motor for Power
Window, and the cutter motor will work when the pressure motor
touched cassava bowl. The product will measured by loadcell sensor, if
it read 1 kg then the second DC Motor push bowl to the right and repeat
by the secong DC Motor push the opposite way into the bowl, and if
both bowls are full, so the third motor will move down equal the second
bowl’s rack and so it is. All the motors will turn of if the pressure motor
touched the limit switch which located at the edge the device. So, with
this system the number of production capacity will grow faster and
concise. This machine produce 5kg per 3 minutes in advance produce
5Kg per 15 minutes.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Teknik, Automatic, Arduino