Evaluasi Kinerja Supplier Menggunakan Metode Ahp(Analytical Hierarchy Process) Pada PT XYZ

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Kasmawati, Desti
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
PT XYZ is a manufacturing company that prioritizes raw materials as the main priority of the company. Th study aims to evaluate the performance of the best supplier for the company, since the supplier must supply the best materials for the production of PT XYZ. The criteria applied to the supplier by PT XYZ consists of Price, Delivery, Quality, Service, with an alternative suppliers such are PT.B, PT.I, PT.E and PT.G. This study is devoted only to the suppliers of raw materials for Wooden Plank, with a specification of the type of consumable material. The method used is AHP (Analiytic Hierarchy Process), with the results that PT.I is the best supplier for PT XYZ.
Manajemen Binis, Administrasi Bisnis, Manajemen dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan, Ilmu Ekonomi, Manufaktur, Perpabrikan, Analiytic Hierarchy Process, Supplier, Performance Evaluation