Rancang Bangun Timer Pada Trainer Pengujian Karakteristik Mcb Satu Fasa
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Amin, Usman Dermawan
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Over the time passed, the needed of supporting equipment for
practical work at Batam State Polytechnic is getting higher. This is
caused by the increasing amount of students each year while the
practical work equipment concern to the characteristics of Miniature
Circuit Breaker (MCB) available at Batam State Polytechnic is not safe
yet. Examination the characteristics of a single phase MCB, a timer is
needed to find out how long the MCB will be trip. Because of that, in
this final project a timer for the trainer is to examine the characteristics
of one-phase MCB.
The timer was created only shows minutes, seconds and mili-
seconds using seven segments. The maximum timer limit is only up to
59 minutes 99.9 seconds. From the results of the timer testing that was
carried out 8 times of testing with date retrieval when testing the cold
characteristics of one-phase MCB by using the stopwatch as a
comparator that is the highest difference with a time of 0.4 seconds and
the lowest difference with 0.1 seconds and the timer test results are done
as much 4 times testing with date retrieval when testing the hot
characteristics of one-phase MCB by using the stopwatch as a
comparison tool which is the highest difference with a time of 0.3
seconds and the lowest difference with a time of 0 seconds.
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Elektronika, Seven Segment, MCB