Trainer DC Motor Speed Control
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Saefudin, Faik
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Along with the development of technology, the role of the motor-
electric motor as in supporting increased production in an industry
increasingly large. The electric motor is a major tool which utilizes
electrical energy to drive the propulsion machinery and other industrial
equipment. The process of controlling motor-electric motor, has
produced some of the methods also developed along with the
development of technology. To use motor-electric motor that can use a
tool called the motor controller. Therefore, in this final proposal will be
discussed about the teaching module is used to operate the DC motor
speed control trainer DL 3315 so that the trainer can be used on the
course electric motors. The purpose of the design of this tool is to
control or regulate the speed of rotation of the motor is DC. Many ways
or methods that are used to set the speed of a DC motor with one method
of PID control. The PID controller is the control which is still widely
used in the industrialized world. At the time of openloop control when
the motor rotates at a speed of 1500 rpm then given load up to a current
that is measured on the Ammeter worth 1A motor rotation speed then
down to 1300 rpm. While in the control when the motor spins closeloop
at a speed of 1500 rpm then given load up to a current that is measured
on the ammeter worth 1A but round the motor stay constant at 1500
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Photography, Computer Art, Cinematography, Videography, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem