Barelang Misil 01

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam




Prasetio, Eko

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Politeknik Negeri Batam


KOMURINDO ( Kontes Muatan dan Roket Indonesia ) is a competition in the field of rocketry technology. One of its objectives is to develop a system of rocketry by utilizing wind power from an EDF motor and also focuses on the process of data transmission such as data of altitude sensor, elevation, direction and data from the rocket movement that sent in real time to the GUI (Graphic User Interface). To be able to maintain the position of the elevation angle, this rocket is designed to have fin that can be controlled autonomous based on the changes of angle data from the accelerometer sensor. The first test results show the average of rocket error percentage to remain on the elevation angle about 3.98%. Results of second test about 17.86% and the third test about 29.30%. The average speed of the rocket to reach the top is 24.7 m/s. The differences of rocket’s percentage data to be at an elevation angle position affected by wind speed changes that are not stable at the time of trial launch.



Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Teknik, Missile, Rocket




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