Mobile Learning Siswa (Pengelolaan Materi Pelajaran dan Diskusi)
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Aprianto, Kevin
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Current education has grown in line with technological developments. With this
development is expected to make the community and young people with advanced and
educated vision. But it all depends on how to take advantage of technological developments
to support the existing learning system. Some of the results of technological developments
now such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and other gadgets that can easily access various
information on the internet wherever we are, making it one of today's mobile information
media that can be used as a medium of learning.
In the current learning system, all kinds of material given to students are generally
still in textbook form. This leads to the management of learning materials by teachers or
educators limited by the content of books and forms of information in books that are mostly
text and some descriptors. However, by utilizing the gadgets that exist today, the form of
information from the subject matter not only in the form of text in textbooks, but also in the
form of documents, video and audio. In addition, addressing the ability of gadgets in
communicating such as chat, video call, etc., opens opportunities for discussion among
students, as the discussion is one of the learning methods.
Therefore it is necessary that learning applications that can run on android operating
system for gadget-gagdet above (mobile learning) that has an attractive appearance for
students / students with good learning material management and able to facilitate discussion
activities among students / students who use it.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Mobile Learning, Android, Student