Kontrol Kecepatan Fan dan Monitoring Online Suhu pada Rak Server Politeknik Negeri Batam
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Murinto, Murinto
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The temperature on a rack server becomes very important to know and guarded
condition that the computer used as a server to function properly. If a computer is the
maximum temperature the process will stop working or stalled processes. Meanwhile, the
computer designated as the server is required to stay alive for a long time, and therefore
needed a tool to control the temperature on a normal computer
Using an Arduino microcontroller, sensor DS18B20 as temperature detector and
Fan with Infrared Sensor and Photodiode Sensor, the state of a server rack will be able to
read the temperature and then the temperature is controlled using PID control for became
normal temperature with the fan rotation. Then the temperature and fan speeds of data can
also be accessed online on a website for the purpose of monitoring the temperature
conditions in rack servers and offline at the interface created with Visual Basic.NET.
The data from the microcontroller will be stored on the database server utilizing
Visual Basic.NET as a communications intermediary microcontroller to the computer and
make the computer as a server connected to the internet and send data to a php file on the
Web server (TerimaData.php).
Results from this final project is a tool that serves to control the temperature and can
be monitored via the internet or offline manner, namely by looking interface that has been
created using VB.NET and can also store temperature data in a certain time on the
Database server.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Teknik, Online, Monitoring