Sistem Keamanan Tempat Tinggal Berbasis Alarm Dan Gsm

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam




Rahayu, Mustika

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Politeknik Negeri Batam


SMS based house monitoring allow users to get information regarding the condition of their residences when they are not in place. By using electronic components, SMS can be sent via the GSM900A module. In this research, to increase the security in residential, besides SMS warning, system also enhanced with alarm that will ring if there’s security breakout. SMS and alarm output are controlled by an Arduino Uno microcontroller by using two PIR sensor and one magnetic switch as the input. PIR sensor, as well as magnetic switch, will control the condition of the object detected. The condition observed are then sent through Arduino Uno microcontroller as an input that will be processed to generate the output in the form of SMS via GSM SIM 900A module and activating alarm via buzzer system. The process from these system is supported by installation in a strategic room to receive the best input and to achieve better output. Based on the objectives of the research, SMS and alarm output will not be activated in the same time. Instead, it will be activated separately according to its specific conditions Results observed shown that PIR sensor generated 2 up to 3.7 volt when detecting an object. Magnetic switch data showed high or low result. High indicates open condition and low indicates close condition.



Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan), Commerce, Communications, Transportation (Perdagangan, Komunikasi, Transportasi)




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