Perancangan Sistem Raspberry Pi Text to Speech untuk Penyandang Tunanetra

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam




Kurniawan, Puput

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Politeknik Negeri Batam


In general, people with visual impairment difficult to perform daily activities, one of them in terms of reading. They must first learn braille letters in order to read a written text. In an effort to help people with visual impairment in order to understand information from writing, then in this final project is made tool that can assist visually impaired to hear the text by voice. Develop this tool using the Python programming language on a Raspberry Pi, with Webcam plus as an image capture tool. In this research will be used Tesseract OCR as the optical character identifier generated by the camera. In addition, it is also used espeak for text conversion into sound. The result of this blind aid, the sound that has been converted from the image containing the text, so they can know what the contents of the text. The new thing is that they do not need to use braille in reading a post, but the information is still the same.



Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, System, Raspberry Pi, Blind People




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