Pengaruh Leverage Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Tingkat Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Tercatat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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Kurniawan, Kurniawan
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
This study aimed to examine the effect of leverage and firm size to profitability of the banking sector companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2011-2015. Population in this study is banking sector companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2011-2015. The total company obtained for 30 companies that become the sample in this research. The effects of independent variables such as the leverage and the firm size on profitability are examined by panel data analysis methods. The results of this study show that leverage variable does not effect to profitability. Firm size variable does not effect to profitability. Future research should use other independent variables that may affect the profitability companies.
Manajemen Bisnis, Akuntansi Manajerial, Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen Dan Ilmu Yang Berkaitan, Profitability