Deteksi Dini Kebakaran Menggunakan Arduino
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Zaillani, M. Jaka
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The fire is one of the most frequent disaster occurred in several
cities and in the countryside. The fire disaster is very dangerous because
it can take some casualities. To handle fire disaster at the moment it's a
lot of building to installed automatic water atomizer to handle fires that
may occur during the night. But, building owners still need to get the
word out that fire rapidly in order to take further action to prevent bigger
losses. So it takes a fire detection tool by using a system of SMS
notifications using SIM900, the MQ-2 sensor can detect smoke of the
fire and LM35 sensor can detect the temperature of the fire, so as to
provide a warning if the owner being are outside the home. All
components that are controlled by using the Arduino Uno. This tool has
the advantage because it is easy to use and compatible with all devices
based on SMS communication. With the creation of this tool, the
process of early detection of fires can be done easily and safely. And
this tool can be developed using Internet-based notification.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Social Problems and Services; Associations (Permasalahan Sosial, Layanan Sosial; Asosiasi), Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan)