Rancang Bangun Blade pada Helix Vertical Wind Turbin
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Anggara, Arie
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The wind is natural resources which it never runs out, Many things could
generate of utilizing wind energy, As the wind power plant (WPP), But on a
common blade in a power plant wind (WPP) shaped horizontal, But blade
shaped like it is very hard used and cannot catch wind from all directions and
Place is taken on the x axis, Then need blade shaped vertical synchronization
to catch wind from all directions without having to move position and To
simplify use it, Working system turbine on this is Blade able to withstand
wind from all sides and not focused on the x axis course, Blade this in design
to hold and restrain a from both sides of the and blade vertical
synchronization easier to in design and in created, Then the blade will be
joined with gear have used the chain and gears to get a ratio of 1: 3:46 that
first time round in blade twist Able to 3:46 times in the generator and the
generator can produce electricity to 4.8 v. The bigger gear in balde and the
less gear in generator so will produce comparison the ratio large enough.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan