Sistem Pengaman Kendaraan Mobil Menggunakan Sms
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Harianja, Idarwisyah
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Sistem Pengaman Kendaraan Mobil Menggunakan Sms
The security system on Car Vehicle using sms is a tool created to
make it easier for vehicle owners to determine the condition of the car
alarm in the car. The components used in making this instrument, that is
arduino uno, SIM900 GSM module, Voltage Reducer Module (LM
2596), etc. In this tool components used as a medium of SMS delivery is
by SIM900 GSM Module, and lowering the voltage used in the tool is
used as the lowering of the voltage of the source of the alarm on the car
to the input voltage to the arduino. System device works is this tool
utilizes Mobile as the second safety if broken locks or alarms on the
vehicle sounded. This tool will give an alert via SMS to the owner of the
vehicle, that vehicle in danger. From the observation data that can be
found when the car was in the room were very covered with concrete
then SMS is sent may have pending.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Computer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems (Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem), Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan), Social Science, Sociology and Anthropology (Ilmu Sosial, Sosiologi dan Antropologi)