Alat Pemisah Botol Plastik dan Kaleng Secara Otomatis
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Bahri, Rizki Kurnia
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Recycling is a non organic waste management strategy that
includes the collection of trash, sorting, cleaning, and processing waste
into items that are new to the production process About sorting trash in
particular waste plastic bottles and cans in general still involves human
hands in normal use. In this research, the author created a tool that can
sort the waste plastic bottles and cans automatically to ease the work of
man before the process is recycled. The components used to support the
success of this tool is a proximity sensor to detect the difference
between plastic bottles and cans, then servo motor as a drag each bottle
is discarded and as a separator between plastic bottles and cans
corresponding the container. Based on test results that the proximity
sensor can detect 10 sample bottles by type consisting of 8 types of
plastic bottles and 2 types of cans with a maximum detection distance of
2 cm, and the average time resulting in experiment tool is 10.37
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Systems of Logic, Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan