Aplikasi Generator Kuesioner ISP Online
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Sianturi, Parulian Dio Kurniawan
A’la, Siti Roudatul
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Questionnaires are an important means for a company in conducting a survey to
their customers. From the survey results, the companies can measure how the
customer rating to the company based on the topic of a questionnaire that filled
out by customers. Generally, company pays a vendor to conduct a questionnaire
survey, of course this is not effective because the company will issue a big
expense, and for the vendor will require time and energy in collecting
respondent’s data until the making of questionnaires completed.
Therefore, it’s required an application maker online questionnaire that can help the
companies, especially Internet Service Provider (ISP) in making the questionnaire
directly and get the answer directly from the respondent without the role of
vendors. With this ISP Online Application Questionnaire Generator, problems in
making the questionnaire such expenses to pay a vendor in making the
questionnaire and also time in the processing of questionnaires can be solved. ISP
Online Application Questionnaire Generator can be used by many ISP companies,
can contain the making of questionnaires from various companies at the sam time,
user management of the registration of respondent, assignement of respondents in
completing the questionnaire and can display summary of the answers from
respondents in each company.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Application, Generator, Online