Aplikasi SIM-G (Simulation Generator)
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Ribunanurin, Abad
Rahmi, Anis
Latuconsina, Nazilah
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Different interpretation in understanding the information whether oral and writing
through printed media, online, brochures, banners, billboards, shows that the way
to deliver information that is not appropriate and less attractive. Through
simulation better information delivery and interactive.
In making simulation , component needed and simulation objects are less
available, a long time needed to make a base components objects contained in a
simulation, and the difficulty to regulate the movement related objects in the
simulation, causing delays in manufacturing simulation. This makes the need for
the development of a simulation application that can help, provide and regulate the
movement of components and objects information, so that users can make the
simulation easy and interesting.
After implementation of SIM-G application, the result is simulation application,
which is providing objects simulation and can regulate their movements.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Application, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Simulation Generator