Aplikasi Pemetaan Spbu di Kota Batam Berbasis Android

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Lisna, Mega
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Stations in Batam city amounted to 30 stations that are scattered throughout the city of Batam. Generally people are not aware of any location of the position when the gas stations were out of fuel somewhere along the way so that the difficulty in finding the location of the nearest gas station. Therefore we need a mobile based application (Android) that helps communities in addressing each of these issues. The method used in the making of this application is that by connecting the user's location and the location of gas stations with Location Based Service (LBS) that utilizes GPS and Google Maps services. Applications that have been built are able to find the location nearest gas station, showing the route, travel time, mileage, and information facilities provided. Keywords: Gas
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Application, Android, Google Maps