Analisis Perbandingan Faktor Penentu Kepopuleran Film Animasi Box-Office dengan Metode Collaborative Filtering

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam




Citra Prasasti, Dita

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Politeknik Negeri Batam


Production of Animation Film Box-Office needs much fund and time. When an animation studio decided to release a film, they need determining factor which can guarantee popularity of a film so it sells well. Popularity of a film influences by may factors. To examine which factors determining popularity of an animation film, this research use collaborative filetering method. In this research, the parameters are MPAA Rating, Star Value, Genre, Studio, and Time Release. The result of this research showed that the most determining factors of popularity in a film are MPAA Rating, Star Value and Genre. The result of the examine using collaborative method needs as many as possible user to get the accurate result.



Teknik Informatika, Multimedia dan Jaringan, Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan), Ilmu Komputer, Ilmu Informasi, Karya Umum, Computer Science, Computer Programming, Programs Data, Special Computer Methods (Ilmu Komputer, Pemrograman Komputer, Program Data, Metode Komputer Khusus), Computer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems (Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem)




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