Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kemudahan dan Kualitas Informasi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Daring di Aplikasi Bukalapak pada Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Ayuningtiyas, Kartika
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of trust, ease of use
and information quality on purchasing decision in Bukalapak application of students at
Batam State Polytechnic. This reseacrh is explanatory reseacrh aimed to explain the
position of the variables studied and the relationship between one variable with another.
The sample in this study are students of Batam State Polytechnic who ever made purchases
online in Bukalapak application. The sampling method using purposive sampling with
number of sample is 100 respondents. Primary data collections are taken using
questionnaires. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple regression
analysis. Data analysis method used descriptive method and quantitative analysis. The
hypothesis of this reseacrh is analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression with signification
level of α = 5% (0,05).
Simultaneously, trust, ease of use and information quality are affecting positively and
significantly in purchasing decision in Bukalapak application of students at Batam State
Polytechnic. Partially, trust is affecting not significantly in purchasing decision in
Bukalapak application of students at Batam State Polytechnic. Ease of use and information
quality are affecting positively and significantly in purchasing decision in Bukalapak
application of students at Batam State Polytechnic. The coefficient of determination test
show that 47,8% of purchasing decision can be described by trust, ease of use and
information quality, which in the other hand 57,2% of purchasing decision can be
described from other variables that excluded of this reseacrh.
Manajemen Bisnis, Administrasi Bisnis Terapan, Manajemen dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan, Perdagangan, Komunikasi, Transportasi, Information Quality