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Item ANALISIS ELEMEN KOMPOSISI DAN TEKNIK FOTOGRAFI PADA FOTO “SENYUMANMU PENUH ILMU KETIKA MENGAJARIKU” KARYA AHMAD SEPRIADI DALAM KOMPETISI PORSENI POLIKANT 2022(2024) Sepriadi, Ahmad; Resda, Dodi Prima; Resda, Dodi PrimaIn the context of vocational higher education, the existence of PORSENI (Sports and Arts Week) has a very important role in enriching student experience. One aspect that stands out in PORSENI is the Photography competition. Photography as a visual art has great potential in conveying messages of education and beauty. However, there is still a lack of research that specifically examines how photography composition affects the understanding and interpretation of the message conveyed in a work. This study examines the photographic composition in the work titled "Your Smile is Full of Knowledge When Teaching Me" by Ahmad Sepriadi, who is a participant in the PORSENI Photography competition. Descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the visual structure and techniques that support the message in the work. This research aims to provide deeper insights into how photographic composition can enhance the expressive power and artistic value of a work, as well as contribute to an appreciative understanding of art and creative approaches in an educational context.Item Analisis Pengaruh Capture The Flag Jeopardy-Style Dalam Memperkenalkan Pendidikan Digital Forensik Menggunakan Metode User Experience Questionnaire(2024-06-24) Meirasari, Mudjrika; Resda, Dodi Prima; Haikal, AntoniThe importance of cybersecurity education in the digitalization era is a big concern. One of them is through the concept of gamification, which is a technique of using games by applying educational principles. Based on this, Capture The Flag (CTF) is used as a set of challenges to improve the basics of cybersecurity which includes several questions with the primary goal of finding the flag. CTF has several fields, one of which will be discussed specifically in this paper regarding the CTF Jeopardy-Style platform especially digital forensics which has been created to introduce digital forensics education especially for beginners. digital forensics is used to identify and analyze digital evidence. In the concept of CTF, participants are required to gather information, analyze files, and solve the challenge of the question using digital forensic techniques, either using tools or manually, to get flags as evidence of successful completion of the challenge. The interrelation between CTF and digital forensics provides an important foundation in the development of skills needed to fight digital crime. Additionally, UEQ is used as a tool to test the learning platform to determine if it is fulfilling the user's expectations based on their experience while playing.Item APLIKASI LAYANAN DAN INFORMASI JASA SEWA KENDARAAN BERBASIS WEBSITE(2024-07-13) Rindy Pratama,Mohammad Widya; Resda, Dodi PrimaKota Batam, sebagai pusat industri dan pariwisata yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia, mengalami peningkatan permintaan akan layanan transportasi yang efisien dan andal. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cepat telah menciptakan tantangan signifikan bagi perusahaan rental kendaraan dan pelanggannya, seperti keterbatasan akses informasi, kompleksitas proses penyewaan, ketidakpastian ketersediaan armada, dan kurangnya transparansi harga dan kondisi kendaraan. Dalam upaya mengatasi tantangan-tantangan tersebut, pengembangan aplikasi jasa sewa kendaraan berbasis website menjadi solusi yang krusial. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk menyediakan platform yang terintegrasi, user-friendly, dan informatif, sehingga meningkatkan visibilitas perusahaan rental, mengoptimalkan pengelolaan armada, dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional secara keseluruhan. Setelah melalui tahapan penelitian, perancangan, implementasi, dan pengujian, penulis berhasil membangun aplikasi layanan dan informasi jasa sewa kendaraan berbasis website. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan masyarakat untuk mengakses informasi dan memesan kendaraan dengan mudah dari mana saja, sementara pemilik kendaraan bisa membagikan jasa yang optimal untuk pemakainya, aplikasi ini diharapkan menjadi solusi komprehensif yang meningkatkan konektivitas dan mobilitas di kota Batam.Item Aplikasi Patrol System Berbasis Web Dengan Akses QR Code Menggunakan Android Pada PT Schneider Electric(2024-06-26) Utami, Indah Fauziyyah; Resda, Dodi PrimaPT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam adalah salah satu perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan industri 4.0, dengan begitu semua yang dilakukan secara manual akan diusahakan berubah menggunakan proses digitalisasi. Tetapi hingga saat ini masih banyak pencatatan data yang dilakukan secara manual. Contohnya pada satuan pengamanan (security) yang harus melaporkan hasil patroli mereka ke atasan melalui aplikasi Whatsapp. Maka dari itu, diusulkan pembangunan Aplikasi Patrol System Berbasis Web Dengan Akses QR Code Menggunakan Android Pada PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan para security yang akan melaporkan hasil patroli pada satu tempat secara langsung. Metode yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Prototype. Tahapan pengembangan sistem meliputi pengumpulan kebutuhan, membangun prototyping, mengevaluasi prototyping, mengkodekan sistem, menguji sistem, mengevaluasi sistem, dan penggunaan sistem. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu monitoring keamanan PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam sehingga menghasilkan pengelolaan data yang lebih efektif dan dapat merekap semua hasil laporan patroli secara real time.Item Rancang Bangun Platform Capture The Flag (CTF) Jeopardy Sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Ethical Hacking(2024-06-24) Haris, Muhammad Nur Sya'bani; Resda, Dodi Prima; Haikal, AntoniThis research details the process of building a Capture The Flag (CTF) Jeopardy platform using CTFd open-source technology and by using the DevOps (Development & Operations) development method. This case study aims to be a learning resource for ethical hacking with a focus on utilizing the open-source CTFd software. The resulting platform is designed to provide a well-rounded learning experience, including relevant security challenges, with the aim of improving ethical hacking understanding and skills. The findings from this case study can provide valuable guidance for practitioners and educators in the field of information security. In this study, the authors conducted a test analysis using the User Experience Questionnaire to test the harisCTF platform that had been created.Item Respon Mahasiswa Pada Pemahaman Penetration Testing Melalui Gamifikasi Capture The Flag (Studi Kasus Program Studi Rekayasa Keamanan Siber Politeknik Negeri Batam)(2024-06-21) Indriani, Yunita Tri; Resda, Dodi Prima; Haikal, AntoniThe increase in cybercrime is one of the triggers for knowledge about cybersecurity. The ever-evolving cyber knowledge is the task of teachers in finding solutions on how to keep up with the knowledge that continues to evolve every time. Cybersecurity knowledge has been applied in various ways, one of which is in the form of gamification capture the flag. Gamification of capture the flag has become the choice of many students to learn the understanding of penetration testing. This solution requires the support of student responses in its implementation in the Batam State Polytechnic Cybersecurity Engineering Study Program. This study program has supported learning with capture the flag gamification and collaborated with project-based learning penetration testing so that the respondents taken meet the requirements in this study. This research aims to help teachers determine the right learning techniques and get responses related to the implementation of gamification capture the flag with an understanding of penetration testing. In this study, the method used is a quantitative method with descriptive statistical analysis with three factors analyzed, namely theoretical understanding, practical understanding, and awareness of the importance of penetration testing. The results of this study resulted in a good response from students regarding the understanding of penetration testing through gamification capture the flag, both in theoretical understanding, practical understanding, and awareness of the importance of penetration testing.Item Sistem Informasi Dokumentasi Quotation Pada CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa Berbasis Website(2024-06-27) Sinaga, Yesi Novriany; Resda, Dodi PrimaThe Documentation Quotation Information System at CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa stands as a testament to successful design and implementation in the realm of web-based innovations. This sophisticated system is purpose-built to streamline the intricate processes involved in documenting quotation data, facilitating seamless email communication with clients, generating comprehensive reports, and monitoring the real-time status of ongoing projects. The development methodology employed in this endeavor is the Waterfall Method, ensuring meticulous planning with well-defined steps and systematic progress tracking. The web-based platform not only empowers the company with the ability to optimize and refine its operational processes but also serves as a robust tool for mitigating the risks associated with potential errors. The strategic implementation has, in turn, fostered a more productive and dynamic work environment. This newfound efficiency has yielded tangible results, positively influencing the overall productivity of the company and enhancing customer satisfaction. This case study serves as a compelling illustration of how information technology, embodied in the Documentation Quotation Information System, has orchestrated a transformative shift in the operational landscape of CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa. Beyond mere functionality, the system emerges as a catalyst for significant and sustained benefits, strategically positioning the company to meet and exceed the evolving demands of a dynamic market. The successful integration of technology not only elevates the efficiency of day-to-day operations but also underscores the company's commitment to innovation and adaptability in the face of an ever-changing business landscapeItem Sistem Informasi Dokumentasi Quotation Pada CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa Berbasis Website(2024-06-27) Sinaga, Yesi Novriany; Resda, Dodi PrimaThe Documentation Quotation Information System at CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa stands as a testament to successful design and implementation in the realm of web-based innovations. This sophisticated system is purpose-built to streamline the intricate processes involved in documenting quotation data, facilitating seamless email communication with clients, generating comprehensive reports, and monitoring the real-time status of ongoing projects. The development methodology employed in this endeavor is the Waterfall Method, ensuring meticulous planning with well-defined steps and systematic progress tracking. The web-based platform not only empowers the company with the ability to optimize and refine its operational processes but also serves as a robust tool for mitigating the risks associated with potential errors. The strategic implementation has, in turn, fostered a more productive and dynamic work environment. This newfound efficiency has yielded tangible results, positively influencing the overall productivity of the company and enhancing customer satisfaction. This case study serves as a compelling illustration of how information technology, embodied in the Documentation Quotation Information System, has orchestrated a transformative shift in the operational landscape of CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa. Beyond mere functionality, the system emerges as a catalyst for significant and sustained benefits, strategically positioning the company to meet and exceed the evolving demands of a dynamic market. The successful integration of technology not only elevates the efficiency of day-to-day operations but also underscores the company's commitment to innovation and adaptability in the face of an ever-changing business landscapeItem Sistem Informasi Kawasan Pelabuhan Bebas Perdagangan Batam Berbasis Website(2024-07-08) Natasya, Wan Fazira; Resda, Dodi PrimaKawasan pelabuhan bebas perdagangan batam adalah Suatu kawasan yang berada dalam wilayah hukum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang terpisah dari daerah pabean sehingga bebas dari pengenaan bea masuk, pajak pertambahan nilai, pajak penjualan atas barang mewah, dan cukai. Berita Acara Pemeriksaan adalah suatu dokumen pengawasan untuk melihat keabsahan dokumen legalitas pemilik perusahaan dan lokasi tempat perusahaan berkegiatan untuk mendapatkan izin usaha Badan Pengusahaan (BP) Batam. Untuk medapatkan izin usaha tersebut maka harus melalui unit pelayanan lalu lintas barang. Permasalahan pada unit lalu lintas perdagangan yaitu sulitnya untuk mengelola data dari hasil survey termasuk persetujuan dari atasan terkait hasil survey yang telah dikumpulkan oleh petugas survey. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk membangun sistem informasi kawasan pelabuhan bebas perdagangan batam berbasis website. Sistem dibangun menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework Laravel dan waterfall sebagai metode pengembangan sistem. Untuk pengumpulan data penulis menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Dengan adanya website ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah pengelolaan dari data hasil survey yang telah di lakukan oleh petugas survey.