Jurusan Teknik Informatika
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Item Absensi Menggunakan NFC Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-16) Purnomo, Adi; Saputra, Christian Ade; Warayudha, Adhitya; Triwinarko, AndyAt this time the existing system of student attendance in Batam Polytechnic still using manual attendance system that uses paper. This raises several issues including: the long absences, use of student attendance in the form of accreditation forms of paper that are vulnerable to damage and loss of data, as well as student attendance files stacked resulting in Batam Polytechnic staff have difficulty in student attendance data perekapan process and delay the process issuance of SP (Warning Letter). Batam Polytechnic since 2010 always issued KTM (student ID card ) equipped with RFID chips. On the other hand, Android has the NFC technology (Near Field Communication) which is a set of RFID- based wireless connectivity technology. This thesis research that utilizes NFC technology on Android to help overcome the problems of student attendance system in Batam Polytechnic sperti, facilitate staff in the process perekapan student attendance data and publishing process SP (Warning Letter) students become distracted and in accordance with the schedule.Item Absensi Menggunakan Nfc Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-16) Purnomo, Adi; Saputra, Christian Ade; Warayudha, Adhitya; Triwinarko, AndyAt this time the existing system of student attendance in Batam Polytechnic still using manual attendance system that uses paper. This raises several issues including: the long absences, use of student attendance in the form of accreditation forms of paper that are vulnerable to damage and loss of data, as well as student attendance files stacked resulting in Batam Polytechnic staff have difficulty in student attendance data perekapan process and delay the process issuance of SP (Warning Letter). Batam Polytechnic since 2010 always issued KTM (student ID card ) equipped with RFID chips. On the other hand, Android has the NFC technology (Near Field Communication) which is a set of RFID- based wireless connectivity technology. This thesis research that utilizes NFC technology on Android to help overcome the problems of student attendance system in Batam Polytechnic sperti, facilitate staff in the process perekapan student attendance data and publishing process SP (Warning Letter) students become distracted and in accordance with the schedule.Item Analisis Dan Implementasi Layanan Iptv Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-19) Siallagan, Bobby Liston; Simamora, Newson Dedy; Apriyani, Meyti EkaCurrently the utilization of computer network in an audio or video is growing. Technology developments also promote a progress in a computer network utilization. One way from the utilization of computer network is building an IPTV system that is usefull to the user in the same network. But there is a problem for building an IPTV system , How to build a computer server and distribute system to the client, and how about the quality. So for that reason , this final project contains an analysis and design to build an IPTV system and how to distribute the data to the user, also there is a calculation about QoS in delay, throughput, packet loss parameter.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Layanan IPTV berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-19) Siallagan, Bobby Liston; Simamora, Newson Dedy; Apriyani, Meyti EkaCurrently the utilization of computer network in an audio or video is growing. Technology developments also promote a progress in a computer network utilization. One way from the utilization of computer network is building an IPTV system that is usefull to the user in the same network. But there is a problem for building an IPTV system , How to build a computer server and distribute system to the client, and how about the quality. So for that reason , this final project contains an analysis and design to build an IPTV system and how to distribute the data to the user, also there is a calculation about QoS in delay, throughput, packet loss parameter.Item Analisis Data Pola Peminjaman Buku Menggunakan Algoritma Fp-Growth (Studi Kasus Perpustakaan Otorita Batam)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-20) Ali, Suryati; Rokhayati, YoniOtorita Batam’s Library still using the procedure of lending books manually that uses the book for recording the lending books. The data of lending books recorded manually can experience buildup because if that book is full then the book can’t used again. Data mining is one of analyze’s tool that can fix the buildup to data. This final project do the analyze and make the system about benefits of data mining in lending books in the library. Algorithm of data mining used to analyze the data of lending books is FP-Growth from association method. This algorithm in the form of development FP-tree that finally will result in some association rules. This association rules will be used to puts the books which are often borrowed by the adjacent. Association rules which is obtained, applied to the system built using programming language Java Netbeans. So the association of books from category books can showed by this system in order to facilitate administrators and visitors of the library.Item Analisis Faktor Penyebab Mahasiswa Sp Menggunakan Kombinasi Ahp-Apriori(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018) Hasanah, Uswatun; Rokhayati, YeniStudents receiving letters and so on are called SP from SP 1 (one), SP 2 (two), and SP 3 (three) which produce phenomena suitable for use by the author. Factors that affect students get the biggest cause SP is social that occurs at the lecture level. The things that happen to the values that go on the percentage of student value itself. SP data is then processed using 2 methods namely AHP and Apriori methods. Through the AHP method that is able to rank SP by causing factors that affect SP, then followed by Apriori method to determine the factors that are related to the data or cases that have been obtained through ranking with the final result is a conclusion which factors are considered to be the greatest influence then resulted in students exposed to SP.Item Analisis Kelayakan Pemberian Beasiswa di Politeknik Negeri Batam dengan Metode Clustering(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-02-08) Maria, Maria; Noerliani, Silvianty; Mufida, Miratul KhusnaScholarship is given to individuals that purpose to be used in the implementation of education pursued. Politeknik Negeri Batam provide scholarship that categorized by academic achievement, non academic and poverty. The analysis was performed by grouping the students that apply scholarship based on Grade Point Average (GPA), the number of certificates and parents salary of student. This analysis use clustering method, K-Means algorithm that grouping n objects into k classes, based on nearest distance to centroid. The final result of centroid will be implemented in applications that can group students into groups of proper or not proper based on type of scholarship.Item Analisis Penerimaan Calon Mahasiswa Pmdk Politeknik Negeri Batam Menggunakan Algoritma Decision Tree C4.5(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-07-13) Novitasari; Widyastuti, HildaPMDK is a new admissions system organized by a University or College independently. As the name implies PMDK is tracking student interest, talent, also his ability. PMDK not need to take the test entrance examination, only assessed from some value rapot or several subjects were used as a requirement to follow PMDK. From the existing data based on case studies in Batam Polytechnic University, performed an application to find results in determining prospective students PMDK. The application is done by using data mining techniques to extract the data to obtain information, as well as using methods of classification, which classifies the data to find a rule to classify the form of new data that admissions PMDK. Rule obtained will be implemented in an application that can classify participants PMDK accepted or not accepted based on the data entered.Item Analisis Pengujian Aplikasi Augmented Reality untuk Promosi Perumahan Menggunakan Metode Hipotesis Statistik(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-03-20) Yulisetyawati, Wiwik Agung; Dzikri, AfdholIn today's housing promotion activities are often used as promotional media such as brochures, catalogs, pamphlets, etc. The media can only display a model home that is promoted in the form of a 2D image. With the augmented reality technology home models can be promoted directly visible in 3D. Which was made augmented reality applications. To determine these applications feasible and effective or not we perform testing and analysis. In testing the augmented reality application using hypothesis statistics method. In hypothesis statistics testing aims to decide whether to accept or reject the hypothesis. In testing the augmented reality application, there are two types of testing is test the feasibility and effectiveness testing. Of testing the feasibility of testing for 30 times and concluded that the application of augmented reality is fit for use because of the time required to display a 3D model of less than 15 second. And to test the effectiveness of the data obtained by 25 respondents. Of the 25 respondents stated that the effectiveness of the application of augmented reality more than 80%. After testing the hypothesis according to the procedure it could be concluded that the application can be used by the user without any difficulty and proved effective application of more than 80%.Item Android PoS Cloud-based(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-29) P, Yohan Nor Cahyo; Triwinarko, Andy; Rokhayati, YeniApplication Point of Sale (PoS) is the application that is used to help the process transaction in selling. It’s many developed for desktop, computer, and also smartphone mobile. But that applications are still shaped as database local or storage media in the computer hard disk. This matter is quite dangerous if the transaction data’s lost due to the damage hardware. Meanwhile, the user or business owner would like to see or proceed the previous data for report purposes. Cloud is data storage technology which is located somewhere unknown by the user. The advantage using cloud is the user no need to create server with the high price and also doing treatment of it. With the existence of cloud, all the data could be integrated and accessed from any locations with terms which must be connected with the internet. From the above condition, if correlate with technology development in smartphone and cloud computing then it’s created a new idea. More sophisticated of smartphone, it may be supported the PoS activities. Meanwhile, data storage media could be backed up by Cloud technology (SaaS) then it can reduce lost data that is caused by the damage hardware. Moreover, the business owner could also see the business development wherever they are, the terms is which must be connected with the internet. This application succeed built with having the ability to run the process of reserving autonomously by buyers , the payment process , checking the sale , creating a new user , and creating a menu or the new price.Item Aplikasi Absensi Dan Pengisian Borang Lab Via Ktm(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2007-02-16) Suprapto, Suprapto; Helgia, MetaItem Aplikasi Absensi Karyawan Hotel Berbasis Barcode(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-01) Setiadji, Eko; santiputri, MettaItem Aplikasi Analisis Sentimen dengan Metode Lexicon-Based Untuk Menilai Produk Smartphone Baru(2015-01-31) Bahisindra, Jeffri; Widyastuti, HildaSentiment analysis is part of opinion mining which has function to process words to information. This information hope can help people to find problem solve. In this age, Smartphone is growing very rapidly and also various manufacturers come to the surface for promoting their products. So we need an application to asses objectively about the opinion of each respective. In application, the data sets using capture comments from fans page and then analysed with lexicon-based method and then displays the result of the positive, negative, and neutral sentiment on any data in the process. The advantages for this method is requiring a collection of data sets such as dictionaries without having to calculate the valueItem Aplikasi Automasi Lowongan Kerja Dan Lamaran Kerja Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2009-07-10) Panjaitan, Mohamad Nico; Widyastuti, HildaItem Aplikasi Billing Warnet Multi Platform(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2006-02-23) Sujarmanto, Weldy; Brajawidagda, UufItem Aplikasi Bluetooth Chatting(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-06) Hafizh, Bari; Riwinoto, RiwinotoItem Aplikasi Booking Service Astra Honda Motor Di Kota Batam Berbasis Client Server Pada Platform Android (Studi Kasus Pt Capella Dinamik Nusantara)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-24) Budi, Agus Setia; Janah, Nur ZahratiItem Aplikasi Buku Saku Rumus-Rumus Kimia Pada Smartphone Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-21) Fatimah, Masriana; Ely Kurniawan, DwiPelajaran Kimia merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang ada di Indonesia, mulai dari SMP hingga perguruan tinggi, bahkan kimia salah satu pelajaran yang menjadi syarat kelulusan atau Ujian Nasional untuk SMA khususnya jurusan IPA, dalam pelajaran Kimia terdapat beberapa pembelajaran yang membuat pelajar sulit untuk mengerti di karenakan rumus-rumus yang terlalu banyak, dengan bekal smart phone siswa dan siswi dapat membantu mereka belajar dan dengan tampilan yang di kemas dengan semenarik mungkin agar siswa dan siswi tertarik untuk mempelajarinya, contoh soal dan kuis di ambil dari ujian akhir semester pada tahun sebelumnya dan dapat sangat membantu siswa dan siswi melatih soal-soal untuk Ujian Nasional.Item Aplikasi Chat Menggunakan Algoritma Vigenere Chipper Berbasis Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-02) Saleh, Muhammad Ismail; Ely Kurniawan, DwiCurrent technological developments enable people to communicate and can exchange information remotely. Along with that will the confidentiality of interchangeable information that is increasing. Therefore, developed a branch of science that learn about the ways of securing data or better known as cryptography. The vigenere cipher algorithm belongs to classical cryptography that has a symmetric key (there is only one key) that is used to encrypt or. This application is done cryptography on the text of the capital letters, the results of this study is an android-based applications that can send a message that has been encrypted using vigenere cipher algorithm, so the confidentiality of this message can be gated.Item Aplikasi Client Memo Elektronik pada Smartphone Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Martila, Sendi; Ely Kurniawan, DwiMemo is a tool written communication delivered with a basis to write a message with the phrase informal, brief, clear and straightforward. For information delivery using a written memo has limited time and place. Not only is it a memo written and posted on the announcement board would be quickly forgotten or lost. Because the memo reminder, and there is no historical evidence about the memo that had been made. Based on the analysis Asycom and Horace Dediu, android users in the last 5 years has increased rapidly, reaching more than 1 billion users (Albert, 2013). The rapid growth of the android is complete platforms of the operating system, applications and development tools, a market that holds a variety of applications and supported from the open source community's. Problems were found in the delivery of the memo can be solved by making the Memo Electronic Client Application In Android Smartphone. Memo Electronic Client Application In Android Smartphone will further facilitate the user in the dissemination of information to the user messages and other memos.