Jurusan Teknik Informatika
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Item Pemillihan IDS (Intrusion Detection System) sebagai Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Server di Politeknik Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-02-11) Suparsin, Heru; H, Mariaty; Kushardianto, Nur CahyonoIntrusion detection system is a system designed to collect information about malicious activity on the network, analyse information, and provide warnings if there is intrusion. The purpose of this final project is to determine the software intrusion detection system suitable for use at the Politeknik Batam as a network security system server. Software of intrusion detection system compared in this final project is snort and base, suricata, and ossec.Item e-TA Berbasis Web pada sisi Server (Studi Kasus Politeknik Negeri Batam)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-27) Sirait, Yosafat Agape Christian; Ely Kurniawan, DwiThe server provides a service that will be used by the client computer and the server can also restrict client access rights. Final Project Management in Batam Polytechnic conducted by lecturers course final project was managed using the help of Microsoft Excel and Word applications, and yet there is a special application that has a centralized system to manage data thesis students. Final data processing tasks are still often difficult especially when the data being processed is quite a lot and complex. So that in practice arise some problems such as data Student Identification Number (NIM) is sometimes incorrectly as entered manually, replacing the title by the student often is not known due to the student lecturer suddenly change the title Final without notifying the supervisor The purpose of e-TA then lecturer of the course final project can adjust the final task scheduling hearings, set procedures and provide information thesis final project. Electronic TA or so-called e-TA is the software to do the final project management process. E-TA in this thesis uses a web-based system. Utilization of e-TA is expected to help lecturers course Batam Polytechnic Final quickly.Item e-Bidan Consultation (Server)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Putra, Mirza Nurhadi; Apriyani, Meyti EkaInformation technology is a set of tools that help people work with information and perform tasks related to information processing (Haag and Keen in Abdul Kadir and Terra Ch. Triwahyuni, 2003). Along with the rapid development of information technology makes information systems have an important role in performing tasks related to information in daily activities. One of the favored information technology and utilized effectively by many people is the use of the Internet. Internet as a global computer network has a function as a medium of information telecommunication, one of which is used as a medium of consulting in the field of health. It is supposed to be used in helping pregnant women to consult through information technology.Item Perancangan Jaringan Server dan Komputer Menggunakan Metode Scalable Multilayer Campus Design(Politeknik Negeri Batamp, 2012-06-29) Derwanto, Derwanto; Broery, Soni; Wikanta, Prasaja; Simanjuntak, Tandhy B. P.The objective of this internetwork design for server and computer is to address the issues raised due to no network segmentation and single point of failure in the network. The method used for this design is Scalable Multilayer Campus Design. The target of this design is a network which fulfill the criteria of Scalable Multilayer Campus Design, results an efficient, intelligent, scalable and manageable network. The major concept is to divide large networks such as lecture network, laboratory network and server farm in to smaller networks using VLAN. The implementation of OSPF routing protocol works efficiently in delivering routing update. Also, first hop redundancy which is VRRP is implemented to address the single point of failure in internal networks. There are access-lists which are intended to filter packets in term of security.