Jurusan Teknik Informatika
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Item Sistem Informasi Keterlambatan Pembayaran Biaya Asrama Melalui Sms Berbasis Web Studi Kasus : Asrama Politeknik Negeri Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-31) Wulandari, Desrina; Munandip, Munandip; Wibowo, AriAt this time, the benefits of computer networks has been very much felt. Especially in fast- paced world of communications, the network computer is often a vital role in the activities of such rapid distribution of information. All of the components incorporated in the computer network must be able to support each other to produce a robust and reliable system to serve each request the information needed by the user. Many benefits in the application of computer networks is still not optimized in Politeknik Negeri Batam education, especially in Politeknik Negeri Batam hostel. At this final project will be designed a web-based information system that helps residents and recording data in an optimal room demand, as well as delays in the payment of boarding information. The design is done by design or designing an information system in accordance with those requirements. After that make components that will be needed. By using the MySQL database hosts the data will be stored, this information system created using PHP programming language, as well as delays in providing information using the SMS boarding fees.Item Aplikasi Marketplace Penyedia Jasa Penyelenggaraan Pernikahan Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-09-23) Fatikasuci, Elkistie; Janah, Nur ZahratiMarriage is an engagement agreement between a man and a woman. Along with the advancement of technology at this time, making people want all the activities of their daily lives to be faster and more practical in various aspects, for example in terms of seeking marriage services in the city of Batam. Marriage only happens once in a lifetime, therefore the bride and groom want a memorable wedding, so to make a wedding usually requires wedding services or wedding organizer. From these problems the author created a marketplace application provider for web-based wedding services. Which application is expected to make it easier for the bride and groom to find a wedding organizer in accordance with their wishes. In addition, by making this application can make it easier for service providers to promote and sell any wedding service packages they have. Based on this, the final project is made with the title taken in the framework of the preparation of this final project is "Web Market Application Provider for Web-based Organizing Services".Item Aplikasi Perancangan Monitoring Suhu Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-02-01) H, Rieka Lamtota Pujiesa; Santiputri, Metta; S, Evaliata; K, SumantriItem Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Pariwisata di Batam Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2009-02-26) Sari, Rian Melingga; Triwinarko, AndyItem Sistem Informasi Jadwal Kuliah Personal Berbasis Website(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-30) Maulana, Adithya Widi; Kushardianto, Nur Cahyono; Supardianto, SupardiantoWebsite is the one of the most effective media to distribute information. Almost all institutions such as universities have a website to distribute information. One of them can be personal schedule information system, which every student and lecturer can see each of their schedule, without having to waste paper to printing. Polytechnic Batam are the one to use as a study case of this information system, which their student and college from informatics engineering departement have become a sampled. Testing begins with registering student and lecture as well as check whether the schedule is suitable or not. The results show that this personal schedule information system has been running well according to the function.Item e-TA Berbasis Web pada sisi Server (Studi Kasus Politeknik Negeri Batam)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-27) Sirait, Yosafat Agape Christian; Ely Kurniawan, DwiThe server provides a service that will be used by the client computer and the server can also restrict client access rights. Final Project Management in Batam Polytechnic conducted by lecturers course final project was managed using the help of Microsoft Excel and Word applications, and yet there is a special application that has a centralized system to manage data thesis students. Final data processing tasks are still often difficult especially when the data being processed is quite a lot and complex. So that in practice arise some problems such as data Student Identification Number (NIM) is sometimes incorrectly as entered manually, replacing the title by the student often is not known due to the student lecturer suddenly change the title Final without notifying the supervisor The purpose of e-TA then lecturer of the course final project can adjust the final task scheduling hearings, set procedures and provide information thesis final project. Electronic TA or so-called e-TA is the software to do the final project management process. E-TA in this thesis uses a web-based system. Utilization of e-TA is expected to help lecturers course Batam Polytechnic Final quickly.Item Sistem Informasi Geografis Lokasi Pembayaran Air dan Listrik Berbasis Webgis(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-26) Wiranata, Denny; Kurniawan, Dwi EllyGeographic information system is one of information systems discussed in computer science, which in integrating GIS embrace and present other information systems. GIS uses computer technology to integrate, manipulate and display the information or characteristics that exist in a geographic area. GIS can also help in making good decisions. With rapid advances in technology today, led to an idea or an idea to try to implement one of WebGIS based information system for the purpose of providing information about the location of the position location search of water and electricity payments in Batam. System information created is "LOCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED PAYMENT OF WATER AND ELECTRICITY WebGIS" using Quantum Gis, ArcGIS, MySQL,OpenGeo suite 4.0.2 and PHP MS4W. This system will use Waterfall methodology. This system was built using Quantum Gis application, to manage the data in graphical form and MySQL as a database mapping, MS4W as a liaison, as well as the PHP system interface.Item Sistem Informasi Geografis Pendapatan Jasa Kenavigasian Kapal Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Kantor Pelabuhan Batam Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-08-03) Octaviani, Dwi; Ely Kurniawan, DwiRevenue of navigational service is obtained after the use of navigation aids facility or sign service, rental service of shipyard facilities, telecommunication services, etc. Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) included as PNBP navigation service category. The data records of VTS payment receipt during this processed still using Microsoft Excel to finds out the amount of revenue per month. After that the data is saved as archives. On this finale project will be created an information system of mapping along with the charts of VTS revenue based on the provided data using web based GIS Technology into a digital Maps (Google Maps) which uses PHP and Javascript language also MySQL database. Georaphic Information system produced can do VTS revenue mapping and can view charts of the revenue as well in Batam Port Office.Item Sistem Penjadwalan Terapi Pusat Layanan Autis Batam Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-10-04) Lestari, Suci Puji; Kirana, Mira ChandraAutism is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult for the sufferer to communicate. To provide good educational services for children with special needs, namely people with autism in Batam, an Autism Service Center was established with the hope that autistic children can adapt to the community environment and are ready to attend education both formally and non-formally. Batam Autism Service Center has a variety of activities, one of which is providing therapy to students. The therapies used are speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy. In carrying out the therapy, the Autistic Service Center Batam has difficulties when processing student data and determining therapy schedules. Therefore, a therapy scheduling system is made using genetic algorithms that can display the schedule by adding therapeutic data, therapist data, space data, time data, and student data to be one solution for determining therapy schedules.Item Supply Chain Management Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-14) Yusasrizal, Elvira; Kurniawan, Dwi ElySupply Chain Management (SCM) is a concept of process flow arrangement linking trade between producers, suppliers, and consumers directly.Model ofsoftware developmentusing thewaterfall method, for data modelingusing structured methods ofEntityrelantionshipDiagram(ERD) todescribe thedata modelandDataFlow Diagrams(DFD) todescribethe functional.Softwareandinformationsystemstowardsservice-based era, the development ofservice-based SCMbecomesveryrelevant. SystemSupplyChain Management(SCM) PT. XXcanwork withits businesspartners, in this caseisa supplierthat providessuppliesthe needs ofcompaniesin a variety offormsandin the saleof productsto customers.These includethe productionprocessesinmanufacturing, transfortasisystemthat movesproductsfrommanufacturing through tothe outletretailer, the warehouse wherethe product