Jurusan Teknik Elektro
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Item Penghitung Indeks Masa Tubuh Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic Dengan Tampilan Via Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Pratama, Heru; Pamungkas, DanielHuman body health can be seen through two factors: weight and height. In the report of the FAO / WHO / UNU 1985, one of the ways that can be applied by using the classification table value of body mass index (BMI). And the table of body condition of the body of the is divided into five categories, namely very thin, thin, normal, fat, very fat. To determine BMI, BMI's counter system is using fuzzy method because of the shift range more flexible. The system consists of a device to measure the height and the weight than sending the results to android users. The sensors are an ultrasonic sensor to measure height with the slider to the media reflected waves ultrasonic and a load cell sensor to measure the weight of a human. The data displayed can be stored and displayed depending on how many measurements were performed. The results of the testing that has been done 50 times trial, showed a success rate of 88% with 44 the same body status in the IMT calculations manuallyItem Sistem Deteksi Bola Berdasarkan Warna Bola dan Background Warna Lapangan pada Robot Barelang Fc(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Mandala, Hanjaya; Soebhakti, Hendrawan; Rudiawan, EkoIn a soccer game, a humanoid soccer robot should be able to lead and kick the ball toward the goal. Soccer robot must be equipped with good ball detection system to play soccer properly by simply using the camera as the main sensor. The problem that arises is the existence of other objects on and off the field. Another problem is the variety intensity of light can affect the recognition of the ball. In this research, will be develop a ball detection system by using a combination of HSV color filtering of ball and field background color. Cvblob library will be used to detect size of ball and to reduce the influence of light intensity, the auto feature of the camera will be disabled. The results of this research generate an accurate and real time detection system with percentage of HSV color filtering technique to detect an orange tennis ball is 84%. Percentage of recognition ball size by using cvblob library and position based on field background color is 92% in (6 x 4m2 ) field area with range of light intensity: 10,11 - 831 lux. CPU usage of the whole detection system process has increased the percentage of 10.2 - 32.7% on each core and camera capture speed is 31.15 fps.