Jurusan Teknik Elektro
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Item 3DoF Kinematik Robot Lengan(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017) Nugroho, Dionisius Adji; Soebhakti, Hendawan ; Toar, HandriThis research contains of design in 3 Degree of Freedom (DoF) robotic arm, which was a small prototype of robot industry. The design of this research to simulate the actual movements of the robot industry. This robotic arm designed with kinematics using forward kinematics and inverse kinematics by showing the movement of any DoF. This design includes the mechanical design model and available to control with microcontroller by using Arduino UNO. Each DoF are driven by DC motor which is controlled by using microcontroller. This application of robot arm is connected using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Visual C# with calculation data covers kinematics. The result of this research obtained the lowest error percentage at special angle movements in the process of inverse kinematics at θ1, θ2 amounting to 0% of 0.011% and θ3 of 0.233%. While in the process forward kinematics retrieved the value of the error in x, y of 0%, and z of 0.39%.Item Alat Diagnosa Tingkat Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Umur, Dan Berat Badan Menggunakan Metode Back-Propagation.(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Kurniawan; Wivanius, NadhrahNutrition status is a health status generated by a balance between needs and input nutrition. Method of assessment of nutrition status of toddler is anthropometry, that is calculation of nutrition status by using parameter of age, body weight, and height. In using anthropometry there are 3 methods of calculation: using weight and height body, using height body comparison with age and the last using age and weight body of toddler. Neural Network is a method that can be used to measure toddler nutrition. Artificial neural network systems do not use mathematical schemes to calculate toddler nutrition but use the data to run the learning method, thus getting the average point of data. Measurement weight body of toddler using sensor load cell and height body use ultrasonic sensor. data of measurement will be sent to arduino and visual studio software. data from sensor will be compared to average data from learning system. Tests conducted the learning process is divided into groups based on toddler age from 0 months until 12 months. The result of the artificial neural system will be compared with standart from goverment is book Sk Antropometri with total success of 91%.Item Alat Pengendali Arus pada Mesin Dc-400 Berbasis Mirokontroler dan Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Ghafur, Muhammad Abdul; Istardi, Didi; Pratomo Ariyanto, NugrohoPower source is a device that serves to supply electrical current in type of welding SMAW (Shield Metal Arc Welding), an example is DC-400 machine. The output current of machine is set using a knob on the output control panel in order to generate heat as needed welding. Along with the development, welder realized that there are limitations in the way of controlling current on the machine. Distance control that requires users to go directly to the machine caused inefficiency in work. Therefore, we need a controller for adjusting the output current from long distance. It is necessary to create "Current Control Device for DC- 400 Machine Based Microcontroller and Android". This device can adjust the output current value from long distance and wireless which is a microcontroller as the central controller and android as the input source. From the results of research, the greater value of R1 in potentiometer is set, the greater welding current is generated. The average error between the welding current using the knob and remote is 4.65%.Item Algoritma Menghindari Lawan pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Tinambunan, Devi Gusnaensi; Sugandi, Budi; Prayoga, SenanjungKRI is an Indonesia robot contest which consists of 4 main categories and one of them is the Indonesia Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI). On the rules during the game of Wheeled KRSBI, the robots are strictly forbidden to hit or push the opponent robot. If that is the case then the robot will get a yellow card. The robots also are at risk of getting a red card then ejected from the field if the robot hits an opponent with a bang. To prevent this, the author has designed an algorithm to avoid and reduce the intensity of a robot doing a physical contact with opponents. The algorithm was formed from the combination of vision cameras and sensors ping. The camera will detect the opponent robot based on the color of its identity. Color identity must be filter for separating it from the background so it can be identified. The filter used is the color filter HSV plus filter erosion, dilation, and controls the blob. The opponent's robot detection is also facilitated with the use of a Parallax Ping sensor. Sensors ultrasonic wave shooting into the opponent's robot and then receive back the reflections so that known distance between them. After testing done against this system, robot Barelang 7.1 can detect opponent robots with good result. The robot can detect his opponent from a distance of 50 cm to 5.5 meters. Once detected, the robot would avoid his opponent while approximately ≤ 40 cm.Item Analisis Kapasitas Baterai Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) pada Robot Automated Guided Vehicle (Agv)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-04) Kristovel R.S Sibarani, Ronny; Soebhakti, HendrawanThe use of robots in everyday life continues to increase because the robot has many advantages such as Lithium Polymer Battery Capacity Analysis tool on Robot Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) which is a system of controlling the amount of battery usage in robots such as controlling the battery usage on the robot and battery charging on the sensor and assuming the battery in the charging system. Analysis of the capacity of Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) batteries in Robot Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) researchers should analyze how to know the capacity of the battery when the robot is active and how to calculate the capacity of the battery against the distance or time of the robot. Lithium Polymer battery capacity analysis should use rechargeable batteries and use a voltage sensor where the voltage sensor serves as a detector of the amount of voltage used and current sensor ACS 712 5A which serves as a current detector and displays in 16x2 lCD which serves to display the value of voltage, current, capacity and battery power. The results of this study are expected to be used for other applications such as line follower robots, robotcopter, and other robot applicationsItem Aplikasi Fuzzy Output Nonsingleton pada Microcontroller(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-07) Sonny, Rezky Nova; SumantriItem Automatic Cooker Hood(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-09-14) Waluyo, Agus; Kamarudin, KamarudinThe kitchen is a room to process food until it is ready to be served. A good and healthy kitchen must be kept clean. Excessive smoke from cooking results will disrupt health. Cooker hood, is a smoke absorber, in general it is still manual, using the control panel to adjust the cooker hood looks less practical, because it cannot compensate for excessive smoke. From these problems the researcher makes an automatic smoke-suction system, if the smoke conditions no dc motor will be off, when DC motor smoke is detected it will be activated at normal speed, when smoke is detected more the speed of the dc motor will spin faster. In this system uses the mq7 sensor as an indication of smoke, current sensor as an indication of the current in the system. To adjust the DC motor speed, the researcher uses the PID method, the motor speed changes according to the smoke conditions. In this study, it is expected to simplify the work when cooking process and the cook is not disturbed by excessive smoke.Item Blender Jus dengan Sistem Penakar Otomatis untuk UKM Jus Buah(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Muhajir, Gigih; Kamarudin, KamarudinA drink from fruit essence or also known as fruit juice, is a drink that loved by most of people. Nowadays, there a lot of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are involved in this industry of fruit juice making, because it’s the rapid culinary development in this batam city. Aside from the benefits of the fruit which is good for our health it’s also has a delicious and unique taste in each fruit. These days the making process of fruit juice is still in conventional way. Conventional dosing somehow using approximately of human feeling so that often inaccurate compositions are created. As a result the taste of the juice could be too sweet or even tasteless. To solve this problems, the writer created a device that could measure the composititions of each ingredients such as water, sugar, and milk using water flow sensor and solenoid valve. This device has 6 choices of portion quantities and 6 level options of sweetness which is sugarless, medium, sweet, sugarless without milk, medium without milk and sweet without milk. The given dose input will be processed by the microcontroller to control the solenoid valve and water flow sensor. The water flow sensor reads the water debit and the solenoid valve as the tap will automatically close when the desired volume is reached. The system in this blender has worked well on all portions and sweetness menus with an error percentage of 1.87%.Item Cbuck Boost Converter Trainer Kit(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-12-17) Handoko, Riski; Istardi, Didi; Gozali, M. Syafeistudents which will take college level every year. However in the trainer kit procurement as a learning tool have problems due to the limited number of trainer kit. Especially in Power Electronics lessons that still lacks of trainer kit for practice. Buck-Boost converter is a circuit with the input of DC voltage and generate output voltages with opposite polarity to the input (negative polarity). The generated negative voltage output can be set larger and smaller than the input. In this thesis the author designed a buck boost converter trainer kit which uses 12 VDC input, frequency of 10KHz, and using a duty cycle with a range of 20% to 80%. The voltage generated by using a duty cycle of 20% is -2.12 VDC and currents 0.21 A with 74.2% efficiency, while 80% duty cycle generates a voltage of -8.46 VDC and currents 0.08 A with 11.05% efficiency. At the moment of 80% duty cycle and the generated voltage is not greater than the input, this is due to the selection of L and C values which is less efficient.Item Checker Resistance Socket K-E Berbasis Labview(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-04) Amin Simanjuntak, Christdeora; Sumantri K; Rudiawan Jamzuri, EkoPT.Infineon Technologies Batam is an International Scale Company that produces several IC controller to support Automotive Industry. In its production activities PT.Infineon Technologies Batam certainly has a special department to perform testing to IC’s PT.Infineon Technologies Batam Production. And One’s of the supporting accessories testing activities in PT.Infineon Technologies Batam is K-E Socket. And in the implementation of this K-E Socket usually must be done regularly to reduce the Over Reject that occurred in the Line Production. One of the treatments performed on this K-E Socket is by measuring the resistance of each pin’s K-E Socket. For K-E Sockets that have been repaired or maintained by K-E Socket technicians can be ascertained in good condition the resistance value of each’s K-E Socket pin. For that was designed a prototype to measure the resistance of K-E Socket. Checker K-E Socket Resistance is a Prototype made to measure the resistance value of each’s pin Sense and Force. The result of measuring this resistance value in Ohm units. K-E Socket to be tested measurement resistance is of its K-E Socket 300 Dura. The measuring instrument to be used is RS-232 UT61E Multimeter. And the results of the UT61E RS-232 Multimeter measurement will be displayed inside your PC or Laptop. And the measurement data will be stored in a Microsoft Excel database.Item Deteksi Benda Berdasarkan Bentuk Dan Dimensi Pada Mesin Pemisah Barang(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Sitorus, Riwan Dony; Sugandi, BudiTechnological development is inseparable from the human life today and has become a necessity as we perform daily activities. The increase will need technology we can see with the innovation and technology in computer matches the times. One application of the technology of a computer is processing the image or image processing. The use of a variety of image processing can improve the quality, tracking, and identifying an object. In addition, there are still many methods are used as needed to solve a problem. In this case the author realize the use of image processing for object detection applied in appropriate forms and dimensions. The result of the camera capture webcam as object detection and use the sorting machine as the mover then the object will be detected. As for the classification of objects detected by the camera webcam that is essentially based on the shape of the object form of circle, square form, and the form of equilateral triangle with a Shape Matching method with. On dimension objects, reading starting from the smallest objects, medium, and large size range corresponds to object in pixels that have been obtained. So for testing in the conversion pixel to the millimetre was obtained by a percentage error of 0.9%.Item Deteksi Benda Berdasarkan Bentuk Dan Warna Pada Mesin Pemisah Barang(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Aprianto, Aprianto; Sugandi, BudiIn the digital era today, the use of the image sanggat widely used in security systems, industrial and other electronic media. Because the role of a very important image of many problems arising such as one example in the world of the industry used to do many sort objects, sorting is meant here is the criterion of the object with one another, do checking of the disability on a nice and did not object, and many more other image utilization. The abundance of the role of the imagery used in the industry, problems arise one to separate the object being detected in an image is a fundamental problem in many image analysis applications. One application of the image processing is applied to the detection of objects by using the webcam on the item separator machine can do sorting system if it has been programmed with various specific classification. As for the classification of the object will be detected by the camera webcam that is object based on the shape of a circle, square form, and the form of equilateral triangle with a Shape Matching method with and object color on objects that have been defined using color Red, green, and blue using the RGB color.Item Deteksi Benda Berdasarkan Warna dan Dimensi pada Mesin Pemisah Barang(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Ramli, Dwi Ayu Imardiyanti; Sugandi, BudiHuman and Machine has a different visual ability, machine can make a million color on their visual, so people are among capacity vision. A machine can be aware of color and different objects at using reading, while all have to recall color and object he has seen. On the visual system machine, an optical instrument hail recording could not immediately be interpreted, definition on the identified by computer. Therefor a computer system needed processing first image. In part used is a feature color and dimension, used first is segmentation at visual. This project uses the RGB method. By the presence of problems were obtained a method of detection color and the dimensions on a machine barrier goods. By which objects of objects when detected by a camera will read color and dimensions of the object was. An object had been already determined by user for being and purpose of inspect whether an object of that is read in accordance or not with reference. By using the method color and dimension, the level of success of the color of the sorting of object and dimension accurate in which the percentage of error reached 6.17 %. Error setected due to insufficient light.Item Ic Tester Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Arduino Dengan I2c Module Sebagai Output Ke Lcd 2x16(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) Rusnadi; Sugandi, Dr BudiIC or Integrated Circuit is one of the important electronic components in an electronic device. IC is divided into two categories, Digital IC and Analog IC or Linier. Linier IC is used for amplifier, voltage regulator and radio frequency receiver, while digital IC is used as flip-flop, logic gate and et cetera. In this last assignment, a development in an IC Tester was made by using micro single board. This IC Tester using method compared output and truth table.The purpose is to check the condition of logic gates in an IC. This device will give information about location of a broken gate and the IC’s category if the recognition code is missing. The test result will be compared manually. The obtained results show this device can work well with level of accuracy 100% (one hundred percent).Item Kendali Kecerahan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Dan Monitoring Berbasis Labview(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-01) Sihaloho, Dedi Florensius; Aisyah, Siti ; Wikanta, Prasaja; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; Rudiawan, EkoItem Kendali Lengan Robot Manipulator Menggunakan Kamera Stereo(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Alfianto, Ary; Sugandi, Budi; Toar, HandriRobot Manipulator is used in various processes, one of them in the field of medicine. Doctors use tools such as robot manipulator as a tool to translate hand movements to perform surgery. In other applications, the movement of the robot manipulator uses the joystick so in use it needs the ability to control the robot manipulator. Based on the above exposure the author makes a robot manipulator control system using hand movement, so from the results of the study designed a control system that connects the robot manipulator with stereo camera using TCP IP connection. The method used in this research is offline and online method, which is offline method that result of data received from stereo camera will be shown visual robot manipulator on PC, while method of online data received from input will be sent to PC server using communication of TCP IP to control the robot manipulator. The conclusion and result of this research, the robot manipulator can move in accordance with the movement of the hand offline and online, and the movement speed of the robot manipulator movement approaches the speed of hand movement when the internal speed of the robot manipulator is 100%.Item Kendali Motor Dc Pada Smart Koper(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Pradana, Rezky Hari; Istardi, Didi; Sugandi, BudiWhen at the airport plane, it can be seen that the suitcase became one of the most commonly used equipment for traveling by the general public. Generally, the suitcase is equipped with a handle and wheels to facilitate / lighten the owner in carrying luggage by withdrawal. The extent of the area and the distance traveled from certain counters at the airport of the plane and the weight of luggage in the suitcase sometimes makes the luggage owner easy to feel tired because the suitcase should always be drawn with the owner's hand to carry it. From the problem, a researcher conducting research in the form of smart trolley follower based on technical vision. Smart trolley is a mobile robot equipped with a computer as a controller and camera from Android device to track and follow colored objects automatically. From the research and the problems that have been described, the author was inspired to create smart suitcases that can move to follow the owner. Smart suitcase in question is a suitcase equipped with a computer and a microcontroller as a controller, motor drive and stereo camera to track / detect objects by doing color filtering and simple shape checker in order to measure the distance and angle of objects so that smart suitcase can move to follow the object brought by the owner. The object used in this research is a unique pattern to represent the identity of smart luggage owners. In order for smart suitcases to move to follow the owner, then used fuzzy logic algorithm with fuzzy rules that have been determined and implemented on the smart suitcase to determine the movement of DC motor in smart suitcase. In this research the smart suitcase made angle measurements using the stereo camera performed at an angle of 80°, 85°, 90°, 95° and 100° there is an error (error) measurement when the object angle away from the angle perpendicular to the front of the stereo camera. So from the measurement angle has the largest mean error of 1.17% at an angle of 100°.Item Kendali Posisi Linear Actuator Berbasis Pid Menggunakan Op-Amp(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Pratama, Muhammad Arif; Gozali, M. Syafei; Toar, HandriLinear drive is pneumatic actuators that have fast linear motion capabilities. In general, the movement on the pneumatic actuator can only stop at both ends using a solenoid valve 3/2. However, it is not matched by the ability to stop at every position of motion. To be able to stop at any position of motion, it takes a drive like a 5/3 valve analog solenoid that has a stop function on the system work and also required a reading position sensor from linear drive movement that serves as a feedback. A research was conducted to expand the application of a pneumatic system that is designing a control system that can control an analog 5/3 solenoid valve so that the linear drive actuator can stop at any position of motion in the form of an analog PID control system by using Op-Amp as its controller component. The results obtained from testing the linear drive position control system is the actuator can stop at each position according to the set point that has been given as when the initial position is set 20 centimeters, to reach the steady state from the 0 centimeter with the air pressure of 4 bar gained rise time of 0.4 seconds and settling time of 4.25 seconds with its steady state error 0 (zero). When the set point state changes, the linear drive movement can follow the change at the same time.Item Kendali Posisi Linear Actuator Berbasis Pid Menggunakan Plc(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Hardiansyah, Randy; Gozali, M. Syafei; Toar, HandriLinear actuators on pneumatics have a fast linear motion capability, but are not matched with the ability to stop at every position of movement. Linear actuator movement are generally stop at both endpoints. So it is required a control of movement system of actuator linear position. In this study, the authors do research on how to design the control system to control the linear position of the actuator. This research used a PID control system with trial and error method in determining the constant value of PID and used PLC controller. From the test results of the actuator linear position control system, the required time to reach steady state from 0 cm to 30 cm position is 2,079 second. The testing result of linear actuator position control system using PID control gives a small error value of steady state that is 1 mm difference between the target position and the destination position.Item Kendali Tangan Robot Menggunakan Sinyal Electromyography(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Prasetyo, Eko; Pamungkas, Daniel