Automatic Cooker Hood

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Waluyo, Agus
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The kitchen is a room to process food until it is ready to be served. A good and healthy kitchen must be kept clean. Excessive smoke from cooking results will disrupt health. Cooker hood, is a smoke absorber, in general it is still manual, using the control panel to adjust the cooker hood looks less practical, because it cannot compensate for excessive smoke. From these problems the researcher makes an automatic smoke-suction system, if the smoke conditions no dc motor will be off, when DC motor smoke is detected it will be activated at normal speed, when smoke is detected more the speed of the dc motor will spin faster. In this system uses the mq7 sensor as an indication of smoke, current sensor as an indication of the current in the system. To adjust the DC motor speed, the researcher uses the PID method, the motor speed changes according to the smoke conditions. In this study, it is expected to simplify the work when cooking process and the cook is not disturbed by excessive smoke.
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mekatronika, PID, Motor DC