Alat Diagnosa Tingkat Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Umur, Dan Berat Badan Menggunakan Metode Back-Propagation.

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam





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Politeknik Negeri Batam


Nutrition status is a health status generated by a balance between needs and input nutrition. Method of assessment of nutrition status of toddler is anthropometry, that is calculation of nutrition status by using parameter of age, body weight, and height. In using anthropometry there are 3 methods of calculation: using weight and height body, using height body comparison with age and the last using age and weight body of toddler. Neural Network is a method that can be used to measure toddler nutrition. Artificial neural network systems do not use mathematical schemes to calculate toddler nutrition but use the data to run the learning method, thus getting the average point of data. Measurement weight body of toddler using sensor load cell and height body use ultrasonic sensor. data of measurement will be sent to arduino and visual studio software. data from sensor will be compared to average data from learning system. Tests conducted the learning process is divided into groups based on toddler age from 0 months until 12 months. The result of the artificial neural system will be compared with standart from goverment is book Sk Antropometri with total success of 91%.



Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Social Problems and Services; Associations (Permasalahan Sosial, Layanan Sosial; Asosiasi), Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan)




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