Checker Resistance Socket K-E Berbasis Labview
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Amin Simanjuntak, Christdeora
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
PT.Infineon Technologies Batam is an International Scale Company that produces several
IC controller to support Automotive Industry. In its production activities PT.Infineon
Technologies Batam certainly has a special department to perform testing to IC’s
PT.Infineon Technologies Batam Production. And One’s of the supporting accessories
testing activities in PT.Infineon Technologies Batam is K-E Socket. And in the
implementation of this K-E Socket usually must be done regularly to reduce the Over
Reject that occurred in the Line Production. One of the treatments performed on this K-E
Socket is by measuring the resistance of each pin’s K-E Socket. For K-E Sockets that have
been repaired or maintained by K-E Socket technicians can be ascertained in good
condition the resistance value of each’s K-E Socket pin. For that was designed a prototype
to measure the resistance of K-E Socket. Checker K-E Socket Resistance is a Prototype
made to measure the resistance value of each’s pin Sense and Force. The result of
measuring this resistance value in Ohm units. K-E Socket to be tested measurement
resistance is of its K-E Socket 300 Dura. The measuring instrument to be used is RS-232
UT61E Multimeter. And the results of the UT61E RS-232 Multimeter measurement will
be displayed inside your PC or Laptop. And the measurement data will be stored in a
Microsoft Excel database.
Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan), Computer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems (Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem), Engineering Testing and Measurement/Teknik Pengujian dan Pengukuran