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    Perancangan Video Animasi 3D Smarthphone "MyPhone 4X" Sebagai Media Promosi
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Putra, Dian Pratama; Wibowo, Ari; Zega, Selly Artaty
    Mobile technology is now growing rapidly so that when the previously can only call and answer it, now has developed into a smartphone that can be connected directly to the internet so it can perform various activities. The development of multimedia-based information technology are now evolving with the times, if previously we obtain the information only in the form of text now available many kinds of media that can give us the information needed, such as graphics, animation, audio, and video. Supported the development of these technologies, we need a media advertising to introduce the goods and services produced. Good advertisement should be direct and to persuade people to buy. The design of 3-dimensional animated advertisement aimed to introduce products MyPhone 4X Series, as well as showing the advantages and features offered on these products. The use of three-dimensional animation as a technique of making these ads because of easier and cheaper when compared to making the product prototypes. Advertising produced will be uploaded on the video sharing site service provider, that is youtube and expected results can attract the attention of viewers who have seen it.
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    Perancangan Video Animasi 3D Smartphone "Synergy Galaxy One" Sebagai Media Promosi
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Setiawan, Bambang; Wibowo, Ari; Zega, Selly Artaty
    The need for a smartphone with advance technology seemed to be the principal thing. The number of smartphone that circulated among the general public with variety of feature, but is not accompanied by low prices. This condition makes the smartphone SYNERGY Galaxy One comes with sophiscation and features that facilitate general public use of this smartphone. This smartphone requires that advertisment can package convenience features that smartphone have. From this description, it can be made advertisment campaign, which will advertisment will be packaged in the form 3D animation combined with the editing process involving certain effect. From this advertising is expectated to further facilitate the public in choosing a smartphone that suits its needs.
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    Monitoring Smart Home Via Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-10-18) Bima Hafidz, A; A, Riska
    The concept of Smart Home also save our energy and time with term must be connected to internet. Smart Home can be integrated with another technology tools like integrating with Esp8266 (Wemos D1) and with operating system in mobile platform that is Android. By applying that concept, then made a monitoring application Smart Home via Android. In this final projects, the author will design a Smart Home prototype can be accessed or controlled using smartphone with wireless data communication. The author using Esp8266 module as medium of data exchange communication. Wemos D1 will be integrated with applications has already made on smartphone. The function of this application is controlled and monitored the tools inside the homestead. Controlled equipment consists of 4 bulb lamps 5-watt and to monitoring the temperature and humidity using the DHT 11 sensor. This application will also be connected to the database to store the login account data access and connect to server for being accessible remotely. The experimental result show that the application has been able to controlled 4 light bulb and monitored temperature at DHT 11.
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    Aplikasi Analisis Sentimen dengan Metode Lexicon-Based Untuk Menilai Produk Smartphone Baru
    (2015-01-31) Bahisindra, Jeffri; Widyastuti, Hilda
    Sentiment analysis is part of opinion mining which has function to process words to information. This information hope can help people to find problem solve. In this age, Smartphone is growing very rapidly and also various manufacturers come to the surface for promoting their products. So we need an application to asses objectively about the opinion of each respective. In application, the data sets using capture comments from fans page and then analysed with lexicon-based method and then displays the result of the positive, negative, and neutral sentiment on any data in the process. The advantages for this method is requiring a collection of data sets such as dictionaries without having to calculate the value
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    Game Petualangan Kancil 1 (Kancil dan Buaya, Kancil dan Gajah, Kancil dan Kera)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-04-21) Mirza, Mella; Eka Apriani, Meyti
    Mouse Deer fairy tale is one fairy tale that has been popular in Indonesia. It has proven many Mouse Deer fairy tale presented in a variety of media such as books, animation and others. To make it more interesting fairy tales can be presented in the media game. Thus the need to removal fairy tale into the game. The title tale will removed among which hare and crocodile, hare and elephant, mouse deer and macaques. Making this game using Adobe Flash CS6 and implemented on the Android smartphone. This game contains the educational value of them learn to count, hone skills, get to know a flat wake, recognize colors and learning about animals. Testing done on 35 children aged 7 to 10 years in the area of Cape Piayu Pancur Batam. At the age of 7 to 10 years are familiar with the Internet, computers and smartphones.