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Item 3DoF Kinematik Robot Lengan(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017) Nugroho, Dionisius Adji; Soebhakti, Hendawan ; Toar, HandriThis research contains of design in 3 Degree of Freedom (DoF) robotic arm, which was a small prototype of robot industry. The design of this research to simulate the actual movements of the robot industry. This robotic arm designed with kinematics using forward kinematics and inverse kinematics by showing the movement of any DoF. This design includes the mechanical design model and available to control with microcontroller by using Arduino UNO. Each DoF are driven by DC motor which is controlled by using microcontroller. This application of robot arm is connected using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Visual C# with calculation data covers kinematics. The result of this research obtained the lowest error percentage at special angle movements in the process of inverse kinematics at θ1, θ2 amounting to 0% of 0.011% and θ3 of 0.233%. While in the process forward kinematics retrieved the value of the error in x, y of 0%, and z of 0.39%.Item Absensi Menggunakan NFC Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-16) Purnomo, Adi; Saputra, Christian Ade; Warayudha, Adhitya; Triwinarko, AndyAt this time the existing system of student attendance in Batam Polytechnic still using manual attendance system that uses paper. This raises several issues including: the long absences, use of student attendance in the form of accreditation forms of paper that are vulnerable to damage and loss of data, as well as student attendance files stacked resulting in Batam Polytechnic staff have difficulty in student attendance data perekapan process and delay the process issuance of SP (Warning Letter). Batam Polytechnic since 2010 always issued KTM (student ID card ) equipped with RFID chips. On the other hand, Android has the NFC technology (Near Field Communication) which is a set of RFID- based wireless connectivity technology. This thesis research that utilizes NFC technology on Android to help overcome the problems of student attendance system in Batam Polytechnic sperti, facilitate staff in the process perekapan student attendance data and publishing process SP (Warning Letter) students become distracted and in accordance with the schedule.Item Absensi Menggunakan Nfc Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-16) Purnomo, Adi; Saputra, Christian Ade; Warayudha, Adhitya; Triwinarko, AndyAt this time the existing system of student attendance in Batam Polytechnic still using manual attendance system that uses paper. This raises several issues including: the long absences, use of student attendance in the form of accreditation forms of paper that are vulnerable to damage and loss of data, as well as student attendance files stacked resulting in Batam Polytechnic staff have difficulty in student attendance data perekapan process and delay the process issuance of SP (Warning Letter). Batam Polytechnic since 2010 always issued KTM (student ID card ) equipped with RFID chips. On the other hand, Android has the NFC technology (Near Field Communication) which is a set of RFID- based wireless connectivity technology. This thesis research that utilizes NFC technology on Android to help overcome the problems of student attendance system in Batam Polytechnic sperti, facilitate staff in the process perekapan student attendance data and publishing process SP (Warning Letter) students become distracted and in accordance with the schedule.Item Alat Bantu Uji Ipx1 Dan Ipx2 (Water Resistance)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-07) Ekhlas, Juliono; Pamungkas, Daniel Sutopo; Sani, AbdullahItem Alat Diagnosa Tingkat Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Umur, Dan Berat Badan Menggunakan Metode Back-Propagation.(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Kurniawan; Wivanius, NadhrahNutrition status is a health status generated by a balance between needs and input nutrition. Method of assessment of nutrition status of toddler is anthropometry, that is calculation of nutrition status by using parameter of age, body weight, and height. In using anthropometry there are 3 methods of calculation: using weight and height body, using height body comparison with age and the last using age and weight body of toddler. Neural Network is a method that can be used to measure toddler nutrition. Artificial neural network systems do not use mathematical schemes to calculate toddler nutrition but use the data to run the learning method, thus getting the average point of data. Measurement weight body of toddler using sensor load cell and height body use ultrasonic sensor. data of measurement will be sent to arduino and visual studio software. data from sensor will be compared to average data from learning system. Tests conducted the learning process is divided into groups based on toddler age from 0 months until 12 months. The result of the artificial neural system will be compared with standart from goverment is book Sk Antropometri with total success of 91%.Item Alat Pemisah Botol Plastik dan Kaleng Secara Otomatis(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Bahri, Rizki Kurnia; Sumantri; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaRecycling is a non organic waste management strategy that includes the collection of trash, sorting, cleaning, and processing waste into items that are new to the production process About sorting trash in particular waste plastic bottles and cans in general still involves human hands in normal use. In this research, the author created a tool that can sort the waste plastic bottles and cans automatically to ease the work of man before the process is recycled. The components used to support the success of this tool is a proximity sensor to detect the difference between plastic bottles and cans, then servo motor as a drag each bottle is discarded and as a separator between plastic bottles and cans corresponding the container. Based on test results that the proximity sensor can detect 10 sample bottles by type consisting of 8 types of plastic bottles and 2 types of cans with a maximum detection distance of 2 cm, and the average time resulting in experiment tool is 10.37 seconds.Item Alat Pemutus Listrik Dengan Timer (Digital Time Switch) Menggunakan Atmega 8535(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-06-05) Kusuma, Eva Erli; Suhaimi; Fahruzi, ImanItem Alat Pencacah Plastik(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-18) Alnoori, Maulana AhmadItem Alat Pendektesi Ikan(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-12) Okino, Yosua; Oktani, DessyItem Alat Pengendali Arus pada Mesin Dc-400 Berbasis Mirokontroler dan Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Ghafur, Muhammad Abdul; Istardi, Didi; Pratomo Ariyanto, NugrohoPower source is a device that serves to supply electrical current in type of welding SMAW (Shield Metal Arc Welding), an example is DC-400 machine. The output current of machine is set using a knob on the output control panel in order to generate heat as needed welding. Along with the development, welder realized that there are limitations in the way of controlling current on the machine. Distance control that requires users to go directly to the machine caused inefficiency in work. Therefore, we need a controller for adjusting the output current from long distance. It is necessary to create "Current Control Device for DC- 400 Machine Based Microcontroller and Android". This device can adjust the output current value from long distance and wireless which is a microcontroller as the central controller and android as the input source. From the results of research, the greater value of R1 in potentiometer is set, the greater welding current is generated. The average error between the welding current using the knob and remote is 4.65%.Item Alat Pengukur PH Air dengan Tampilan Digital Berbasis Arduino(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-08-01) Sinaga, Refendi; Firdaus, Ahmad RiyadItem Alat Ukur Tinggi Berat Badan Bebasis Arduino(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-06) Rudy, Rudy; fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaItem Alcohol Meter Based of Arduino(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-17) S, Rio Sintong Immanuel; Oktani, DessyItem Algoritma Menghindari Lawan pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Tinambunan, Devi Gusnaensi; Sugandi, Budi; Prayoga, SenanjungKRI is an Indonesia robot contest which consists of 4 main categories and one of them is the Indonesia Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI). On the rules during the game of Wheeled KRSBI, the robots are strictly forbidden to hit or push the opponent robot. If that is the case then the robot will get a yellow card. The robots also are at risk of getting a red card then ejected from the field if the robot hits an opponent with a bang. To prevent this, the author has designed an algorithm to avoid and reduce the intensity of a robot doing a physical contact with opponents. The algorithm was formed from the combination of vision cameras and sensors ping. The camera will detect the opponent robot based on the color of its identity. Color identity must be filter for separating it from the background so it can be identified. The filter used is the color filter HSV plus filter erosion, dilation, and controls the blob. The opponent's robot detection is also facilitated with the use of a Parallax Ping sensor. Sensors ultrasonic wave shooting into the opponent's robot and then receive back the reflections so that known distance between them. After testing done against this system, robot Barelang 7.1 can detect opponent robots with good result. The robot can detect his opponent from a distance of 50 cm to 5.5 meters. Once detected, the robot would avoid his opponent while approximately ≤ 40 cm.Item Analisa dan Penenganan Praktik Transfer Pricing Sebagai Upaya untuk Mengamankan Penerimaan Negara(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-06-28) Putranto, Tri Wahyu; Wibowo, Seto Sulaksono AdiItem Analisa Pencatatan Piutang Servis pada PT Agung Automall Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-06-20) Zoraya, Laily Shofia; Lubis, FahruddinItem Analisa Pencatatan Piutang Servis Pada PT Agung Automall Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-06-20) Zoraya, Laily Shofia; Lubis, FahruddinItem Analisa Penerapan Psak No. 31 dan Pedoman Akuntansi Perbankan Indonesia (PAPI) pada Penyajian Laporan Keuangan di PT Bank Riau Cabang Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-07-09) Sumarniati, Sumarniati; sinarti, sinartiItem Analisa Penyajian Laporan Neraca pada CV Surya Sarana Sukses(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-06-23) Aldiyanti, Noviana; sinarti, sinartiItem Analisa Penyajian Laporan Neraca pada CV Surya Sarana Sukses(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-07-07) Aldiyanti, Noviana; sinarti, sinarti