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Item Sistem Retur Penjualan pada PT Goodwill(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-16) Latifah, Siti; Mayasari,MegaPT Goodwill is a company engaged in sheet metal fabrication. Sales of merchandise require a system of sales returns to enable the company to achieve optimal returns. This study aims to create a system of sales returns at PT Goodwill for recording sales recording recorded correctly. The author analyzed this research using descriptive method. Document sales returns at PT Goodwill are not yet complete and the related sales return system functions have not performed properly. The results of this study suggest documents and functions related to sales return systems that should be applied to PT Goodwill so that the sales return system can run properly and correctly.Item Starting Up Sepeda Motor Automatic Menggunakan Remote Control dan Security System Menggunakan GSM(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-11-03) Agustin, Belly Andre Cindi; Risandriya, Sumantri KMaking and development of this application is motivated by the motorcycle security system that still depends on the distance, for example use the buzzer as an indicator. This system is less effective because if the buzzer continues to sound and then the battery will quickly be damaged. Making the system automatic starting up and security system using GSM is to create new innovations to make the use of motorcycles easier. This tool uses bluetooth HC-05 module and GSM sim900A module as the communication intermediary. From the results of the implementation that the automatic startup system using the remote control and security system using GSM can be operated with AT-Mega 328 microcontroller as the control center of the circuit. Work of the system starts up is when pressed the ON button then the motorcycle will turn on and when pressed the starting motorcycle will start the starter for 5 seconds, while for the security system when done manual starter GSM module will call the owner's phone number and after the motor delay will die. With this system motorcycle users more easily monitor and operate vehicle.Item Blender Jus dengan Sistem Penakar Otomatis untuk UKM Jus Buah(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Muhajir, Gigih; Kamarudin, KamarudinA drink from fruit essence or also known as fruit juice, is a drink that loved by most of people. Nowadays, there a lot of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are involved in this industry of fruit juice making, because it’s the rapid culinary development in this batam city. Aside from the benefits of the fruit which is good for our health it’s also has a delicious and unique taste in each fruit. These days the making process of fruit juice is still in conventional way. Conventional dosing somehow using approximately of human feeling so that often inaccurate compositions are created. As a result the taste of the juice could be too sweet or even tasteless. To solve this problems, the writer created a device that could measure the composititions of each ingredients such as water, sugar, and milk using water flow sensor and solenoid valve. This device has 6 choices of portion quantities and 6 level options of sweetness which is sugarless, medium, sweet, sugarless without milk, medium without milk and sweet without milk. The given dose input will be processed by the microcontroller to control the solenoid valve and water flow sensor. The water flow sensor reads the water debit and the solenoid valve as the tap will automatically close when the desired volume is reached. The system in this blender has worked well on all portions and sweetness menus with an error percentage of 1.87%.Item Sistem Implementasi e Currency di Politeknik Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-01-25) Lubis, Panusunan; riwinoto, riwinoto; Sagara, RahmatItem Sistem Keamanan Pintu Ruangan 401 Gedung Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis RFID(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011) Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; susanto, susantoItem Pengaplikasian Sistem SCADA pada Monitoring Motor AC 3 Fasa(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-08-19) Azlinia, Nesya; Pancawati, Ayu; Himawan, M. Asrul; Istardi, DidiItem Pemillihan IDS (Intrusion Detection System) sebagai Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Server di Politeknik Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-02-11) Suparsin, Heru; H, Mariaty; Kushardianto, Nur CahyonoIntrusion detection system is a system designed to collect information about malicious activity on the network, analyse information, and provide warnings if there is intrusion. The purpose of this final project is to determine the software intrusion detection system suitable for use at the Politeknik Batam as a network security system server. Software of intrusion detection system compared in this final project is snort and base, suricata, and ossec.Item Pengembangan Sistem Ujian Online Berbasis Objek(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-02-21) Handayani, Lies; Martin, Ferri; riwinoto, riwinotoThe purpose of final project is to solve problem of tests that are done offline and manually. The final project developed previous research that had been done by Januardi and Jonathan RK using procedural design. The first step is to analysis the features of previous research. Then do the identify of the proposed system. Next do the analysis, design, implementation and object- based testing. The research proved that the developed application was general application online exam with passing model based value and quota.Item Analisis Pengaruh Warna Terhadap Aperture, Iso dan Shutter Speed (Exposure Triangle) Kamera Digital Single Lens Reflex(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-07) Pratama, Andri Albertha; Wibowo, Ari; Prasetya, Happy YugoExposure sebuah foto akan menentukan seberapa terang atau gelap gambar akan mucul ketika gambar ditangkap oleh kamera. Ketika mengambil foto maka yang dilakukan kamera adalah menyesuaikan seberapa banyak cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa kamera DSLR tersebut. Untuk mengatur banyaknya cahaya yang masuk tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan tiga pengaturan yang terdapat pada kamera DSLR yaitu : aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Hal ini akan berbeda pada saat pengambilan gambar dengan menggunakan pengaturan otomatis (mode auto), karena kamera akan mengukur cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa dan sekaligus menghitung nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed untuk menentukan nilai exposure yang menurutnya paling baik. Warna yang berbeda pada dasarnya memiliki respon yang berbeda pula terhadap cahaya. Kebanyakan permukaan benda yang berwarna akan menyerap sebagian sinar yang jatuh diatasnya dan akan memantulkan sinar yang warnanya sama dengan warna permukaan benda itu. Nilai exposure pada pengaturan otomatis tidak hanya ditentukan oleh nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed saja. Selain nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed, nilai exposure juga dipengaruhi oleh respon objek terhadap cahaya, jarak kamera dengan benda. Penggunaan filter tertentu pada lensa kamera serta jenis dan intensitas sumber cahaya pada saat proses pengambilan gambar. Sehingga tidak jarang hasil gambar yang ditangkap oleh kamera dengan menggunakan mode auto menghasilkan gambar yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ekperimen. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dengan bantuan observer sebanyak 10 warna dasar, warna-warna yang mewakili komposisi RGB dan CMYK yang merata. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Anava Ganda menggunakan program SPSS 22 dengan taraf signifikan 5% (P < 0.05). Hasil penelitian diperoleh data meliputi pengaruh warna terhadap nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Pada objek warna yang mepunyai nilai shutter speed dan aperture tertinggi adalah warna putih. Komposisi warna Red, Green dan Blue memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap Shutter Speed. Sementara itu ditemukan bahwa Red, Green dan Blue berpengaruh sangat kecil terhadap aperture dan ISO bernilai konstan (tidak berpengaruh).Item Perancangan & Implementasi Sistem ERP Berdasarkan Kebutuhan PT. Suntech Internasional(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-10) Krismanto, Krismanto; L, Tri Wijokongko; P, Fitrah Gilang; riwinoto, riwinotoSystem on PT. International Suntech currently has some problems facing the integration of data, the complexity of the production process and the slow response to a production. So that the current conditions it is very detrimental to the company. For that the company needed a system that can integrate data, pesediaan control and production management. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an integrated information system that can accommodate the needs of specific information systems for different departments in a company. Use of ERP consists of various modules that are provided for various needs within an enterprise, from a financial module to module production process. The use of ERP systems can integrate the various needs of the company into one system with one database, making it easier for each department in sharing data and communicating. ERP software on the market, not only alone but also commercial version available as open source. To that end, the ERP system implementation of this final project Adempiere using software based on open source as well as to test the integration of its modules. If the application modules that are appointed (production, stores, purchasing) is successful, it has not been covered for the module that can be applied with reference to the module that has been successful. Business processes that vary from one company to another company, allowing customization of ERP performed in its application.