Jurusan Teknik Elektro

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Search Results

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    Kontrol Sistem Ground Tank Mesin Erw Pt. Servotech Indonesia
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-22) Durohim, Durohim; Juwito, Arif F.
    Servotech Indonesia is a big company work in the manufacture of pipe Erw, in the manufacture of pipe Erw requires sufficient water as the cooling process, but the control of water in the Servotech Indonesia which is located Taiwan region Kabil still manually. At the end of the project aims to create an automatic control system Servotech ground tanks in Indonesia to be more easily. Control ground tank system consists of several main components, namely PlC and pressure switch used to control large or small pressure on ATB or ground water tank so that it can work in automatic. With the control system's ground we quite inactiv tank selector on the control panel then the control system will work automatically
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    Mesin Penyeduh Kopi Otomatis
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Lubis, Nurlaily; AISYAH, SITI
    This automatic coffee makers machine is a tool to facilitate people to make coffee. There are some components used to manufacture this tool, such as Arduino uno, relay, servo motor, etc. Arduino uno used as micro controller and data processing. Relay contact is used to adjust the voltage. While Servo motor is used to control the release of the coffee’s ingredients and to regulate the water output. System device works is after we press the menu button, then the tool will directly process. If we choose the menu of coffee cream coffee cream manufacture preceded by servo motors on the active ingredient of coffee and then successively in the ingredients cream servo motors, servo motors on the water heater, coffee stirrer motors and servo motors in a container mixer will be active. And On the menu capucino cream manufacturing process similar to the process of making coffee cream just different in its initial servo motor on his capucino material was active and continued as the process of making coffee cream. Based on experiments done if we want to make a cup of coffee cream requires an average time for 39.4 seconds and if we want to make capucino cream requires an average time of 39.4 seconds
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    Monitoring Smart Home Via Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-10-18) Bima Hafidz, A; A, Riska
    The concept of Smart Home also save our energy and time with term must be connected to internet. Smart Home can be integrated with another technology tools like integrating with Esp8266 (Wemos D1) and with operating system in mobile platform that is Android. By applying that concept, then made a monitoring application Smart Home via Android. In this final projects, the author will design a Smart Home prototype can be accessed or controlled using smartphone with wireless data communication. The author using Esp8266 module as medium of data exchange communication. Wemos D1 will be integrated with applications has already made on smartphone. The function of this application is controlled and monitored the tools inside the homestead. Controlled equipment consists of 4 bulb lamps 5-watt and to monitoring the temperature and humidity using the DHT 11 sensor. This application will also be connected to the database to store the login account data access and connect to server for being accessible remotely. The experimental result show that the application has been able to controlled 4 light bulb and monitored temperature at DHT 11.
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    Sistem Pendeteksi Kebocoran Air Pada Pelanggan Pdam Dengan Menggunakan Arduino Uno
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Shahab, Said Al Rizqi; Fahruzi, Iman
    Water leaks on customer taps we can find in many places. Most of these leaks is a small leak that is invisible to the naked human eye. The situation is often unknown Oleg customer taps, and impressed underestimated. Surely it was not deliberate by the customer, and will have an impact on water wastage and cost overruns water bill for the customer, as well as detrimental to customers. Therefore, to facilitate the detection of water leaks on customers, especially leaks are not visible to the naked eye, it is a tool designed to detect and protect the leak. This tool is called Detection of water leaks on customer taps using arduino uno, which has a main component arduino uno and sensors water flow, sensor water flow reading speed of the plumbing, the voltage generated will be even greater when the pressure in the big pipes and taps in a closed state , and vice versa. When the microcontroller receives data from sensors, microcontroller will process and store data and will display on the LCD.
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    Implementasi Robot Jari Dengan Kendali Menggunakan Pc
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Azmi, Rafikhal; Daniel, Daniel
    Robot finger is one part of the robot InMOOV. This system works with robots mimic the movement of a finger that almost resemble the fingers of a human hand. This research used a PC as a controller of the movements to the five fingers on the robot. To make the finger Robot is similar to human fingers that truly needed the design part of a finger, hand to the arm and then diprint using 3D printing. To move the fingers used five modified servo motor using ropes to pull each finger by using angles, as well as the Arduino Uno as the microcontroller to process data from the servo motor. From the results obtained, each finger has the distinction of position causing the difference in the angle of the fifth fingers when performing the movement mengenggam. Then the finger can begerak one by one with intesitas quick and slow. On the thumb and ring finger to get a perfect grip angle of movement on position servo 140 °, 150 ° middle finger, ring finger and little finger 95 ° 120 °.