Perbaikan Motor Pompa Air Satu Phasa

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam




Manurung, Alpin

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Politeknik Negeri Batam


Over time, many created a tool that can facilitate us in performing daily activities, one of which is the engine water pump. With the engine water pump we no longer trouble to move water from one place to another. If the engine water pump used in a long period of time and sustained, would cause an increase in temperature in the motor water pump, this will cause damage to the pump motor water as the temperature of the motor is too hot, round motor that weakened and dead total. To fix this damage needs to take action to check the motor water pump such as checking the round motor supply voltage, with checking the value of resistance of the main coil on prisoners and detainees, check out their auxiliary coil values custody insulation between the primary and the auxiliary coil coil, and check between the body and the primary coil is fused or not. After doing some checking on the motor pump water then the next step is to do the repairs one way rewinding (TCR) copper wires on motor water pump. But after doing the process of rewinding, the prisoners and the speed of the motor will not be the same as the factory-made because the process of rewinding is done by manual.



Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan




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