Pengendali Kecepatan Motor DC pada Mobil Listrik
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Motor speed control systems have a different logic and control methods. One of the
frequently used in motor speed control is the control logic of the PID. The control logic
PID control system is a combination of proportional, integral, and derivative that each
system has its advantages – specific advantages which the proportional control system has
the advantage of a rapid rise time, integral control system has advantage for reduce error,
and the system of derivatives has the advantage of reducing errors and dampen overshot.
To find out how the speed of the motor can be generated using the rotary encoder is
mounted on the motor. The input signal is a pulse encoder which is converted into a form
of RPM.
DC motor speed controller in electric car can apply a PID control; can be used to
control the motor speed with stable. By setting the set point, speed motor that we want can
be set as you wish because data set point is arranged with Microccontrollers and the data in
the form of PWM signals.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan, Engineering and Allied Operations, Permasalahan Sosial, Layanan Sosial,Asosiasi, Social Problems and Services, Associations