Sistem Pemantauan Level Ketinggian Resin Berbasis Internet Of Things (Iot)

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Ruslan, Ahmad
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Internet of things is defined as a technology that enable to control, communicate, cooperate with various hardware, data and virtualize all the real thing in the internet and others through the internet. In this research, a system-based resin level monitoring system based on website using ultrasonic wave measurement method from ping sensor. The data of the ping sensor will be processed inside the microcontroller and ethernet shield assigned to send sensor data using internet connection. Internet connection obtained from router TP-LINK MR3020 by using LAN cable. Sensor data will be store in the databse MYSQL and then will be displayed on the website. Results of the test showed that the value of the serial output with manual measurement not have much different, with the error of 0.80%. For real time readings on the website the measurement values of the monitor series with those on the website are the same.
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mekatronika, IOT, Web, Database