Comparison of Auto Cutting and Semi Auto Cutting Work Systems on Wire Quality Achievement
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Oktaviani Christina.P, Maria
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Maria Oktaviani Christina.P
Cutting process is the process of cutting cables accompanied by inner or not inner, which this process must be in
accordance with the drawing guidelines that have been determined by the company. In the cutting process, there are
2 cutting machines, namely an auto cutting machine and a semi auto cutting machine. This study aims to compare
the results of the performance of auto and semi auto cutting on the achievement of wire quality in wire harness
The statistical tests used were the F test and the Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR & R) test to
see the significance of the work performance of the Auto Cutting Machine and the Semi Auto Cutting Machine. The
results of the efforts made by the author regarding the analysis carried out can be explained that it is the cutting
machine that gets better cutting results while the semi-auto cutting machine still needs improvement.
Comparison of Auto Cutting and Semi Auto Cutting Work Systems on Wire Quality Achievement