Pengukuran Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Perlayanan Pendidikan Di Jurusan Manajemen Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Batam
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Fitriani, Fitriani
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The quality of educational system supports the formation of high quality human
resources. The variable quality in this research was measured to know the ability
in consumers expectations and the scholars as the most important consumer in
educational system. This research aimed to measure afternoon and evening
scholars’s expectation and satisfaction to the service which has been given by
Business Management Department of Batam State Polytechnic using difference
test methods (t-test). This research also provides performance’s assessment by
services based on Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara
Nomor: KEP/25/M.PAN/2/2004. The results indicate there are differences in the
quality of service and performance expectations between regular classes and
regular classes during the evening, whereas for the satisfaction of the results
obtained showed no differences satisfaction and service quality performance
between regular classes and regular classes during the evening. In general, the
quality of services in the category of service performance "GOOD". The research
was conducted only in the Business Management Department does not involve
other departments so hopefully next research scope can be expanded by adding
respondents from other majors.
Manajemen Bisnis, Akuntansi Manajerial, Educational Quality, Expectation, Satisfaction, Performance of services