Pembuatan Film Pendek Animasi 3D Tentang Edukasi Bahaya Narkoba
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Handayani, Utami
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Animation 3D is an animation object which located in three dimension
where the object can be rotate and move like a real object. With 3D animation, a
character may look real like an human.. There are process of making this 3D
animation such as developing a story which consists of script, storyboard and the
layout of the story and implementing the method of Luther Sutopo. Consep of the
3D animation is to educate the danger of drugs and to support no drugs campange
by applying the illustration of how drug damage the body system and analyze the
effectiveness of implementing 3D animation as media education. The 3D
animation is design in colorfull and implementing backsound, narrative and
visual to persuade the audience.
Testing and analysis need to be proceed inorder to measure if the
animation had successful to educate the danger of the drug effect by implementing
testing hypothesis t (correlated group). Testing hypothesis t is to make a
conclution either the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. Total number of
respondent is use for the testing and analysing is 30 responden, and is been
declared that the value of testing hypothesis t is 2.98 > 1.70 which means, the
hypothesis alternative had rejected due the significant changing of the responden
score after received the treatment and educating dangers of drugs is successfully
Teknik Informatika, Multimedia & Jaringan, Fotografi, Seni Komputer, Film, Video, Animated, Animation, Media Education, Drugs