Scrap Analysis on Econo Pim 3 Module
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Sitompul, Stephen
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Econo pim 3 module is one of the manufactured products that has a good
summary of features as highs power density, integrated temperature sensor
available and RoHS- compliant module. Econo pim 3 module also has advantages
as compact module concept, optimized customers development cycle time and
cost, configuration flexibility and econo pim 3 module can be applied to motor
control and drives, industrial heating and welding and room air conditioners. But
with all that advantages econo pim 3 module must go through a long process,
during the manufacturing process the module is found scrap or not suitable to
use, from many manufacturing process system soldering process is bottle neck of
scrap found. The purpose of this research is to find the root cause of econo pim 3
module defects during system soldering process and to analysis defects that
occur. This research uses the fishbone diagram method, which fishbone diagram
is certainly carried help full in knowing the cause of the defects occurs. Fishbone
diagram, also called as ‘cause-and-effect’ diagram, is a tool used to identify the
root cause of problems which represents the effect and the factors or causes
influencing it. [1]
Keywords: Defects, Pim 3 Module, System Soldering Process, Fishbone diagram
TECHNOLOGY::Industrial engineering and economy::Manufacturing engineering and work sciences::Manufacturing engineering, TECHNOLOGY::Electrical engineering, electronics and photonics::Electronics, SOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::Data processing