Vibrator Sebagai Haptic Feedback
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Bekti, Ridho Setia
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Remote control systems to interconnect require communication in
the form of feedback. This is very important, because it deals with the
human process in the freedom to control the car robot according to the
given command. To be able to control the car robot, Many research has
been done using the visual form as feedback. Lately haptic technology is
increasingly in demand to enhance the interaction of computer and
human interface, This feedback provides more accurate information to
the user, so this haptic sensation can help the user to feel in the robot
environment with his skin, muscles and nerves. designing car robot
using vibrator as haptic feedback. Where the information obtained
against the vibrations of the actuator is proportional to the distance
between the robot and its obstruction. This vibrator is placed on the
user's skin so that it can feel the feedback in the form of a vibration. The
amount of vibration depends on the combination of the distance between
the car robot and the surrounding obstruction. The conclusion from the
experimental results is haptic system has potential for increase the
acceptance of information between user and cars robot when control it
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Elektronika, Motor Vibrator, Sensor PING