Smart Monitoring Temperatur & Kelembaban Ruang Server Berbasis Web Menggunakan Raspberry PI
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Rinaldi, Rio
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
This Research introduces wireless sensor of wemos dht shield where can read the
condition of temperature and humidity. Build a system and network that will be
functionally as monitoring condition of server room temperature and humidity.
System visualize the temperature and humidity data on a web based program with
real time graph of highcharts. The Log data of temperature and humidity will be
recorded in MySQL DBMS. Recorded log data displayed in datatables structure.
The purpose of this system is to avoid a computer server from overheat were
caused by high temperature in server room and also caused by a failed air
conditioner. Raspberry Pi is a micro controller device were functionally as a web
server and processing the data received from wireless sensor. System can provide
a notification into smart phone with whatsapp application. Registered user in
whatsapp application can do some command and raspberry will processing the
command with youwsup service. This system can provide fast response when it
happened the temperature rise to the limit of the standard server room health.
Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Computer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems