Implementasi Audit DBMS Oracle 10g pada DBMS MySQL dan DBMS Postgresql
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Juniardi, Arman
Kurniawan, Iwan
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Oracle 10g is a database management system (DBMS) which has a security
auditing database called the audit features namely audit trail, fine-grained auditing
and value base auditing. In addition to Oracle 10g, MySQL and PostgreSQL can
also be used to perform database auditing. Oracle 10g audit implementation
toward the MySQL and PostgreSQL conducted to determine the type of Oracle
10g audit anything that can be implemented in MySQL and PostgreSQL.
To achieve this, the first thing done is implement auditing features of Oracle 10g.
The results are used as a reference implementation in the implementation of the
MySQL and PostgreSQL. In MySQL, the implementation is done on the log file
using the general log to log to a database storing the result. For PostgreSQL
implementation done on the features of PostgreSQL logs with the results of log
storage to database. The second thing to do is create a table to accommodate the
results of the audit, create triggers and functions.
From the results of the implementation has been done, the audit oracle 10g that
can be implemented in MySQL and PostgreSQL are the audit trail by using the
general log and log postgresql. Value base auditing using triggers and functions.
For fine grained auditing can be performed with no conditions while using this
condition can not be done because different types of data in MySQL and
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Audit, DBMS, MySQL