Implementasi Dynamic Scripting Menggunakan Metode Weight Clipping Pada Game 2d Arcade Platform

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam




Kevin, Muhammad

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Politeknik Negeri Batam


At this time the development of technology is so growing very rapidly. One of them is game or game. Currently the game not only can be played on the PC, but can also be played on a gadget or smartphone. The games are created using the system. The system is what will govern how the game will run later. A good game is a game that has a good appeal from the side view, rules and also AI because the attraction has one of the functions as an entertainer. But not all AI can make players feel entertained. AI that can make players feel entertained is the AI that can provide a sense of challenge to the players by adjusting their ability to the ability possessed by players. For that it needs mechine-learning that is Dynamic Scripting and weight clipping method to adjust the ability of AI and player. Experiments conducted in this study using questionnaires of 60 questionnaires which are then divided into 2 parts, namely in the first consists of 30 people gamers and the second part 30 people non-gamers. Everyone who filled out the questionnaire conducted 15 experiments in each mode. But the data taken is only the data on the order of 6 to 15. Because the initial 5 data is considered to have a game that has not been stable. So as to generate data as much as 1800 data. So as to generate data as much as 1800 data. So as to produce an average value in offensive mode on gamers (7.03), non-gamers (3.60), defensive mode in gamers (7.10) and non-gamers (3.07), and random mode in gamers (7.77) and non-gamers 3.80).



Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan), Computer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems (Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem), Computer Science, Computer Programming, Programs Data, Special Computer Methods (Ilmu Komputer, Pemrograman Komputer, Program Data, Metode Komputer Khusus)




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