Aplikasi Fuzzy Output Nonsingleton pada Microcontroller

dc.contributor.authorSonny, Rezky Nova
dc.description.abstrakThe need for an efficient and affordable control system is needed, a system that has the ability to adapt human intuition will be very easy to run the system because it has been successfully done by human intusions. The more intuition given to the control system then the hope of the system is able to quickly adapt to share conditions. The control system using fuzzy logic is appropriate for the problem. The relatively easy and flexible process of control is designed not to involve complex mathematical models for the system to be controlled. There is a defuzzification stage to get the end result of this control system. In its application defuzzification has several methods, defuzzification method used in this research is centroid. By using nonsingleton output and by using centroid defuzzification method is expected the system is able to provide the best control and have the best response.en_US
dc.publisherPoliteknik Negeri Batamen_US
dc.subjectTeknik Elektroen_US
dc.subjectTeknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitanen_US
dc.titleAplikasi Fuzzy Output Nonsingleton pada Microcontrolleren_US
