Animasi 2D Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Tentang Pengaruh Berbahaya Narkoba dalam Tubuh
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Alimi, Patricia
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
2D animation is a collection of images that are sorted based on the frame so that it
appears moving like video. The processes in making this 2D animation is the
process of making a story that includes a search of ideas and preparation of
synopsis, followed by sketching characters and storyboard. After the sketch is
created, the next step is to create animations with Adobe Flash software. After the
rendering process, continue t the editing and compositing based scence using Adobe
Premiere Pro software. After finished the annimation, stored it in the form of movie
files. The general concept contained in this 2D animation creation is the concept of
work that aims to study the effectiveness of using 2D animation as a medium of
education in conveying a message of support counternarcotics using the illustration
process of entry of drugs into the body and damage the human immune organs as
well. 2D animation is presented with a colorful layout and narrative. This 2D
animation using sound and visual effects to attract the attention of the audience.
Next, animation will be distributed to school as a supporter of the learning process
and tested pre-test and post-test with the result of the average pre-test 42.67 and
post-test of 84. Based on T test results, obtained tcount 11.68> ttabel 1.7 which can
be concluded there is a significant change between students understanding about
the dangers of drugs after watching 2D animation.
Teknik Informatika, Multimedia & Jaringan, Fotografi, Seni Komputer, Film, Video, Media, Animation, Drugs