Plant Integrity Monitoring Menggunakan Ultrasonik Dengan Metode Fuzzy Decision Support Berbasis Wireless

dc.contributor.advisorRisandriya, Sumantri K
dc.contributor.advisorRudiawan, Eko
dc.contributor.authorWibowo, Wahyu
dc.description.abstrakTo measurethe thickness withultrasonicthick nessgaugingis usually done manually witht he help ofthe production operator ortechnician. In this case if there is a dangerous a reasuchhigh voltage, places are limited, the chemicals, air pollution, andotherhazards, it will have trouble again st the operator ortechnicianto monitormanually. Soit is necessary forallsystems thatcanmonitor both the work pieceis measured and performed regularly or permanently laying. And forretrieval of datait can bedone byusing a wirelessor wireless wifi signalthathas been as sociated with arduino microcontroller. So thatthe operator ortechnician will beeasy for The collection and analysis of data.For the analysis of data from ultrasonic sensor readings, Temperature sensor, and a humidity sensor that hasta kenthe data over the wireless network, it would require further analysis. Forthis analysis we used the method RBI(Risk Based Inspection) as a reference parameterrange of criteria. And then using fuzzy logic with decision support system. Fromthe results ofthis analysis,we can get the level of corrosion rate, remaining life(resis tant level material), when an inspection ormaintenance, lightening orseverity level of danger,and the others.en_US
dc.publisherPoliteknik Negeri Batamen_US
dc.subjectTeknik Elektroen_US
dc.subjectDecision Supporten_US
dc.titlePlant Integrity Monitoring Menggunakan Ultrasonik Dengan Metode Fuzzy Decision Support Berbasis Wirelessen_US
dc.title.alternativePlant Integrity Monitoring Using Ultrasonic With Wireless-Based Fuzzy Decision Support Methoden_US