Pengendali Lampu Otomatis dengan Metode Fuzzy Menggunakan RFID Sebagai Identifikasi

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam




Muis, Muhamad Dahrul

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Politeknik Negeri Batam


Lamps are a source of lighting used in homes during dark room conditions. To turn on and off the lights in homes today still use manual switches and manual operation of lights cause ineffective and efficient use. Making this research aims to create a tool for turning on and off the lights with RFID with the distance between RFID Reader and RFID Tags that can be read with an acrylic cover is 1 cm and create an automatic room lights that can adjust to the intensity of light required by the room. This tool is expected to help in the process of controlling the room lights. The method used in making this room light controller is fuzzy logic produce light intensity issued by the lamp in accordance with the desire of the customer is dim, rather dim, or bright. Based on the research that has been done, obtained results where the fastest time achieved to achieve setpoint dim for 8,1 seconds, setpoint rather dim is 28,8 seconds and setpoint bright for 4 seconds.



Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Teknik, Automatic, Fuzzy Method, RFID, Sensor




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